23. Death Dance.

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The bile that resided in her stomach was threatening to make an appearance with every step they took. 

The area of Mimi's School of Dance  was dimly lit, the street desolate - eerie, the perfect place for what the tracker had planned.

Beside her, Bella shook the can of pepper spray held within her grasp.

Added to the anxiety, guilt began to form at the bottom of her stomach; Trixie didn't come here with a death wish, she just wanted to help her Aunt, and in order to do that - according to Bella they had to do this alone.  Trixie could only hope that Theo and Alice had found the note by now and were already on their way to them. 

Or not even the note, maybe Alice's premonitions had caught on by now of what the girls were doing. 


The door shutting behind them triggered the two girls to flinch.

Hoping to get this over with as soon as possible, they inched forward; Trixie sticking to the shadows a little more so, than Bella; her hazel eyes scanning their surroundings.

The dark engulfed them, long shadows were cast over the room, making visibility minimal, the only light source came from the tall windows that were highly set into the wall, the moonlight and streetlamps shone through the glass panes, decorating the wooden floor with splotches of light - like a spotlight that illuminates the artist on the stage. 

The silence was almost deafening, at any moment James would pounce, and when he did - how would they explain all this to Emma and Renée?

"Bella! Bella! Where are you?!" Renée's voice pierced the stillness, her voice muffled slightly but the panic was clear.

"Mom!" Bella called with haste, sprinting towards the origin of her mother's voice - Bella left Trixie in the dark before the mute teen followed Bella's lead.

During their short run, the voice in the back of her skull was telling Trixie that something about this didn't feel right. 

It's almost too easy, too set up.
Where was James?

Their sudden run had exhausted them, the taller of the two girls showed no hesitation with wrenching the closet door open. 

The voice was right, it didn't feel right, because Renée wasn't here, which meant - neither was Emma.

Infront of the two girls sat a television playing a tape; a tape in which showed a young Bella hiding within the same closet before them, telling her mother that she didn't want to dance anymore. 

It felt like a cold bucket of water was dowsed over her, Trixie straightened herself and prepared to make a be-line exit straight to the door. 

A sinister chuckle echoed throughout the room. 

Spinning around, the two girls lay witness to the many reflections before them. His grin was equally as sinister as his laughter as his reflections stalked his prey. 

Trixie clung to Bella's arm, tugging in a desperate way, pleading the Swan girl to move, to do something. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not move Bella Swan from where she stood. 


Despite her own fear, Bella was stubborn; she wanted to fight James - no, not fight, stall. Keep him for as long as possible in this building until Edward arrived to kill him, eradicate him from existence for good - even if it meant lying to Trixie in order to get her to come. 


Completely ignoring the shaking girl next to her, Bella prepared the pepper spray, her mind thinking of ways to distract James for as long as possible. 

She had to give the Cullens time; no matter what happens, James could not leave this studio. 

Even if in this twisted dance with death, they paid the price.

So there we have it, next chapter is the last of the Twilight portion. 
Thank you so much for sticking with this book so far, and I hope that you're all enjoying it, and hopefully there isn't too many cliche's in here (😅). 

But yeah, Leave a comment with your opinions :)
- Grey xx

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