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Kateys p.o.v
After finally falling asleep I woke up around 10:30am  and felt a storng arm around my waist  as I thought about last night.

"Your pregnant" he says again in shock rubbing my stomach he looks at me again "and your sure it's mine?" I scoff whacking him in the arm "Happy seriously?" He chuckles and looks down "I mean .. you want me to be the dad? Katey you know my lifestyle" I raise a challenging eyebrow "I know what you've allowed me to know" I didn't mean to sound so bitter about it but there's only so many times I'm going to ask before I give up when I don't receive answers "for your safety" he states before rubbing my stomach again with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips "we're having a baby"

End flashback

And the mystery of Happy Lowman continues...
He was actually excited to become a father and had even made a comment of "atleast now everyone will know your mine" which resulted with me calling him a cave man but right now I was waking up with pure bliss for the future "what time is it" Happy mumbles and I smile softly "10:30" I say running my hand down his chest "we've got to get up" he groans "why" his eyes still closed like a child as he drags me closer to him "because we have to pack and my brother arrives today" I state and his eyes crack open "I'll get the prospects over to pack your hands still busted and now your carrying precious cargo" he states rubbing my stomach making me melt into his touch. I could've never imagined mine and Happy's relationship going this way but right now there was no where else I'd rather be "Hap I can pack-" he cuts me off with a kiss "no, you won't" he states and rolls out of the bed walking towards the shower as I hear the faucet turn on and the sound of his boxers dropping "you coming?" He calls out

After showering and having a smoothie for breakfast I started to make a list of what I would need to pack, I had decided to leave this house fully furnished and possibly rent it out because the new house we had bought was a new build and the builder had given the option of keeping the furniture in the home so all I would need is everything else I owned and I guess whatever Happy would bring I hear Happy talking on the phone quietly as he walks in the room seeing me with a smoothie at the dining table making my list  he winks and re focuses on his phone call "yeah man I don't want her doing a thing" I catch him saying and I roll my eyes looking up at him as he leans over stealing my smoothie and taking a sip "alright thanks brother I'll see you soon" he hangs up and looks at me placing my smoothie back down "the club will help us move you don't have to lift a finger" I scoff "Happy I'm not going to sit and do nothing" he chuckles raising an eyebrow "oh yeah?"  I huff at his challenge before looking back to my list "can juice put cameras up at the new house?"  I ask him as he sits across from me "I'm not leaving you without surveillance baby" he states grabbing my hand and I  sigh looking bath to him.

He has taken all of this baby news so well and honestly I was shocked "are you sure this is what you want Happy... a house a kid ...a-"  he cuts me off "an old lady? A wife ? Someone I can come home to and forget about all the evil shit?" He raises an eyebrow "Katey I want this" I feel butterflies and he holds my hand rubbing my knuckles "Katey the second I seen you I wanted you, you're innocence and purity are the best part of me... if you want a house you get a house , if you want a baby I'll give you a baby" the look on his face told me he was dead serious and that's something that k had come to realise with him, there was no time wasting or lying it was all or nothing and he was always clear about that "this isn't just something that's around for a little bit Hap... a baby is a lifetime commitment it's diapers and bottles and booboos and crying and laughing and smiles... it's all that and so much more" I admit and I feel my nerves rise "I don't even know if I'm going to be a good mother I'm still in shock" I whisper looking down.

My mother wasn't the best and sure I had Nannie's growing up but when I didn't have the best example I couldn't help but worry I may not make a good mother. "I think your going to be amazing" Happy's voice broke the silence and I looked up at him and he smiles tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "we've got this baby" he nods with a smile "we're gonna be great"

3 hours later I had multiple members of the sons in my house loading up two trucks  and I was shocked "Happy I didn't mean today" he rolls his eyes smacking me on the butt and walking off to help Tig carry a tv  as Gemma laughed from my kitchen "you know he called me this morning and told me" she whispers as I walk over and she grins "he sounds like he took the news well" I sigh running a hand through my hair "surprisingly better then I did" I stated as I watch the boys through the kitchen window making Gemma stand next to me "ya know darlin something about these boys... their pride is strong but they love deep... and a love that deep is a force to be reckoned with, they move mountains they turn the world upside down and will destroy everything in their path if it meant your happiness" I sigh she was right but I'd never felt love like this "I'm still scared that ...." I trail off with a frown and Gemma wraps her arm around my shoulder "that he will realise what's going on all of a sudden and run?" She asks and I  frown with a nod making her smile "hun... that man isn't running anywhere"

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