Jelsa Headcanon #1

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Note: In my personal opinion based on facts from each movie, I think that this is the most plausible way for Jack Frost and Elsa to meet.

Jack has been Jack Frost for only a few years now. He hasn't become a Guardian and still has no clue on what his purpose in the world is. He likes to fly all over the world, and upon one of his travels, he comes across a little kingdom called Arendelle. He swoops down into the kingdom and starts creating a trail of frost behind him as he flies, chuckling at the people as they look at the frost in confusion. He stops on the roof of a castle and filled with curiosity, looks through a window and sees a little girl with platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. It was Elsa. Jack tries to get her attention by knocking on the window, but the girl just looks in confusion. He feels like giving up when he remembers he can just frost the window.

Jack frosted the window, wrote his name, and waited for the girl to respond. The girl looked like she about to run away, but what she did amazed him. Elsa touched the other side of the window and it frosted too! Jack couldn't believe someone else had the same powers as him! He noticed that the girl was writing something in the frost.
Hi Jack, I'm Elsa. This went on for years; Jack would come to Elsa's window and frost it so they could write to each other. She never saw him, but that didn't matter to Jack. He was just happy to have someone to talk to. But after Elsa's coronation, Jack wondered where she was and left Arendelle when she never came back to the window. And Elsa wondered where her invisible friend had gone when she returned home from her ice castle. They never saw each other again.

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