Chapter 1

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Mithra's POV:

May 6th!! I exclaimed beyond excited counting down days to my best friend Swati's wedding. We had been best friends since college, and I had seen her go through ups and downs in her relationship with Arjun. Now they're finally thing the knot and I couldn't wait to celebrate with her. I spent my days helping Swati with her wedding preparations, from choosing clothes to finalizing the menu.

The wedding was set for in a week's time, and I was busy moving things here and there totally wearing myself out to make this wedding as special as possible. ' Uff this bitch better remember all this, she owes me a tonne for my own wedding' I thought only for it to be broken by a loud voice, a voice I needed no introduction to.

"Mithra, did the designer send the lehenga? I'd sent it back for alterations-" she exclaimed fear and frustration clearly dropping off every word she spoke, I cut her to it " Swati cool the fuck down first, the designer said the alterations were done and she'll be sending it shortly. It'll be here any moment now and I'll personally ensure that it's kept safe. Okay? Now cool down we don't want the bride running around like this. "
Swati just gave me a content smile and nodded in return, that spoke so much more than words. Just as I was about to say something I was interrupted by my phone. I immediately picked it up to see my mom calling me. And immediately my smile grew wider as I heard her voice.
"Hello. Mithra?"
"Yea ma, how are you? Had lunch?" I inquired
"We're fine Mithra, the house is just missing you alot." she said and I couldn't help but let out a slight giggle.
"I'll be back once the wedding is done ma, don't miss me too much. Your husband is gonna be jealous." I say receiving and laugh from the other end.
"Ayy, shut up Mithra!" she exclaimed.

"Anyways how's dad ma?" I asked hoping to hear a positive reply from the other end.
"It's the usual Mithra, the fights haven't died down yet." I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding. I don't know what to say so I just stayed num.
Sensing my discomfort, amma spoke "Its fine Mithra, your dad isn't new to these fights. He's gonna handle it. Don't worry about that and just have fun at the wedding."
I just replied with a slight 'hmm' and decided to hang up.

Well, there's some part of me that I haven't introduced to you guys yet. That's my family. My family has been in a constant feud with the neighbouring village, Bhuvanagiri. As a child I remember hearing my grandparents talk about the "enemies" from Bhuvanagiri and how they would often try to sabotage our crops or steal our livestock. I was never allowed to venture out alone and always had either my brother or a bunch of gaurds following me.

But as I grew older, I began to realise the feud was much beyond just crop and livestock but also about people's lives though I never really learnt about the reason behind them. With both sides refusing to budge this has been an emotional load I carry everywhere. Moving to hyderabad for education was the best and the worst decision I could ever make. Living far away from all the fights and killings did give me a sense of relief but living away from the family was the biggest regret. But now that my education here is over I'll be moving to my village completely once the wedding is over. As exciting as it is I am also scared.

Jai's POV:

I was in the midst of a crucial project at work, trying to meet a tight deadline. My minds was racing with ideas and strategies as I sat at my desk, sipping coffee. My business, my company, was my baby and I had worked hard to build it from scratch.
Just as I was about to go through a file, my phone buzzed with a reminder - Arjun's wedding invitation. I groaned invardly in annoyance. Weddings weren't really my thing and dancing at someone's barat wasn't the most pressing matter on my list.

But I knew I had to be there. We had been close friends since school and I had to be there on his big day. Reluctantly I shut my laptop dialling my PA's number on the office phone.

"Yes sir," Shruti my PA entered the cabin.
"I'm not gonna be attending any meetings for the next two days shruti. I have somewhere else to be. So make the necessary arrangements and make sure there's progress on this deal." I say nodding at her before exiting my office.

As my driver pulled up at the entrance of my home, I stepped out making way in.

I was greeted by my dad who seemed to be a lil too engrossed into the newspaper resting on the couch.
" HELLO DAD" I announced playfully snatching away the newspaper
"What's got you soo into this thing suddenly huh?" I saw running my eyes over the paper as I finally find what had interested him.
It was an article about the youngest billionaires and it had a photo of me on the cover page. I let out a low chuckle and softly throw the paper aside.
" I'm exhausted dad! And I've got this stupid wedding to attend tomorrow" I say crashing onto the couch spreading out on the cushions, stretching my legs and letting my head fall back, savouring the stillness for a moment.
"Ayy don't say that Jai it's Ajju's wedding. You've gotta be there." he scolds earning an eye roll from me.


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