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We went on with the tour Sirius showed me the quidditch pitch. Quidditch was a game played on broomsticks. Anne had always wanted to play quidditch but it had been banned in her old schools as it was a girls school and no one was interested in it. She was overjoyed when Sirius lent his boom to her to see how well she flew. Anne loved it and her dives and turns evidently proved that she was an expert at it and caused Sirius to make a mental note to tell James who was quidditch captain about her. The try outs were the next day and Sirius advised Anne to try after they had finished the tour. It was also the first day of classes.

I thought I would warn you before hand that from now on I'm gonna write POV okay. I hope it's fine with you.

Anne's POV

Thanks to Remus and Sirius I pretty much knew my way about and easily found the classes.First I went to ancient runes with lil and sat beside her with the boys sitting behind us. It was taught by a ghost so I zoned out. It was boring and besides the professor didn't notice. I occasionally kept coming into the world to jot down notes. I also caught Remus staring at me but I waved to him and paid no heed. Then I took out a book I wanted to complete and started reading that it was better than the drone about goblin wars and dates.Then we had divination we had to read palms and just for fun I predicted in a loud and cracked up voice about how Remus was gonna die. Lil didn't take divination so it was just the marauders and me. The professor liked my prediction and didn't give me any homework. Potions was taught by professor Slug horn whom I called slug and passed in a haze. I couldn't wait for try outs and finally it was time. James was captain and keeper,Sirius was beater and I tried out for beater too. Surprisingly I got the position and thought that James had gone easy on me. I was so glad because there had been like another dozen kids who wanted to get the spot but I had beat them all, just like Sirius said I was a pro. My first match was only two days away and I hadn't got a broom I'd been practicing on the school brooms but they were not good enough. I asked McGonagall and on Saturday in the morning I got a parcel. In it was an expensive broom. I was overjoyed and every body wanted a go at my broom.James sent his team to bed early so we could get enough rest but I'm an insomniac and was pretty much up all night.
"You look horrible," was the greeting I got from Sirius when I went down to breakfast.
I couldn't eat anything and I felt like I might die if I tried to eat even though I knew I was being over dramatic.
"You.Will.Eat. " Lil coaxed trying to waft the smell if freshly baked waffles towards me but I just gagged.
"Hey kiddo,what up,you look like an inferni ,no problem it's only a game your not gonna fall off and break your leg." James chuckled.
" Yeah,good morning to you too,James." I growled.
"Much better more like the Ab I know," Remus said trying to make me feel better.
" Yeah I'm sure you guys are gonna kick Slytherin's ass today,"Lil added.
It was finally time we changed and went into the pitch to be met with cheers and boos. I saw lil,Remus and Pete waving towards me and felt better. James and the other team captain shook hands. Then we kicked off from the ground and immediately I felt good with the wind whipping my hair,and my body weightless through the air. I looked out for the budget and heard the commentaries.
"And there is the beautiful and spectacular new beater Lance. She's keeping a look out a and oh she swings the bludger at the seeker of the opponent team who is knocked out unable to continue. She really is pretty and sweet ," Arthur Weasley kept on praising till he was stopped by McGonagall. I laughed taking it all as a compliment and grinned at Sirius when he gave me a thumbs up sign for knocking the seeker out. I had lost all my nervousness by then and was feeling great. After half an hour of knocking out people the game was finally ended when James caught the snitch. Sirius gave me an enormous hug and lil half strangled me with her bear hug too. I was so happy with life. And I thought nothing could ruin it. After that we had a huge party in the common room with delicious snacks that the marauders had nicked from the kitchens. I danced with half a dozen boys and the party continued till midnight when McGonagall came and scolded us. I felt light headed and fell asleep the moment my head hit my pillow.

ANNE BELLE LANCEWhere stories live. Discover now