Chapter 16: Evacuate

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Two evacuees—an Omeocoon mother and her daughter, they were simple people. They were not shop owners, but they were productive in their daily lives; the mother was a nuclear core tech, and the daughter was a full-time student in primary school. They were holding hands. 'Robbie' tried to stay calm. Her partner would know what to do; he was always the level-headed one in these situations, but because of Kieran, Robbie had to be the level-headed one for her little girl now as a single parent. But she was lucky. She was lucky she had her daughter. 

"All passengers, please report to your assigned evacuation pod." A basic, backup computer voice sounded, as D1 was still offline. It would've been nice to hear her voice during all of this. The panic certainly could've used some relief. The corridors were flooded with people trying to get to the turbolifts.

"Mommy?" The little girl tugged on her mother's pants, asking for her attention. 

But the mother was focused on the smoke from Riely's Emporium. That place was always interesting to her. She'd never been inside herself, but she'd heard stories, some bad ones, good ones, mostly bad. Especially now, considering the store clerk and owner's son, Happy, had been placed into mandatory psychiatric evaluation and was under house arrest—word travels fast on a spaceship. The mother finally gave her daughter the attention she sought. "Yes...what is it, baby?" 

"Are we leaving the ship?" She inquired, looking around at all the people carrying their belongings—some of them had too much for an escape pod, so they'd probably be forced to leave some of their possessions behind outside of the airlock. She did not want to leave the Kori; they'd left three times. First, their apartment in the Capital, then their tiny home on the station, and now this? When would they stop leaving—when would it finally end?

"No. It's just a temporary evacuation. I promise we're safe." The mother reassured. 

The little girl screamed suddenly, which caught everyone else's attention in the area. Then, the girl was quick to jump into her mother's arms.

The mother held her daughter; it was involuntary. Her arms were wrapped around the little girl—tightly. She would not let her go. She followed her daughter's line of sight to a man who was covered in smut. He hacked and coughed as he tried to clear the smoke from his lungs. 

People pointed and discussed the next course of action as he collapsed on the ground.

Robbie was the first to react, "Oh my Kyr!" The mother quickly looked at her escape pod group, which included two other Omeocoons and a Panthorian, who were also trying to get to escape pod 322. Evacuation groups increased the chances of survival in the event of an actual was nice to have a Pantho on board, but given his frame...he'd definitely have to be hunched over the entire time; pods were not designed for their eccentric body types. The Omeocoon mother got the Panthorian's attention by tugging on his loincloth. "Excuse me? Hey—you. Can you make sure my daughter gets to our escape pod?" The mother frantically asked as she set her girl back down. 

The Panthorian, seeing the look in her eyes, nodded. He already knew that the mother would help whoever was on the ground, struggling to survive. The least he could do was help her out by watching her little one. "I'll make sure." 

"Mommy, no!" The little Omeocoon screamed again. 

"Doris, stay with the big bunny—I'll be right back." The mother sternly ordered. She knew her daughter would be safe; if she had to leave her one starlight with anyone, it would've been with her father. But since he was dead, a Panthorian did the trick in a pinch. They were trustworthy and honorable. She broke off and bolted over to the man, preparing to analyze the damage; no one else was helping that poor guy. She kneeled to check the stranger's vitals as she arrived. 

" son..." He winced in agony, then continued, slowly opening his eyes. He looked like he'd suffered the most. His body seemed so...sickly. 

"Don't worry, Mr. I've got you. Help! Someone help me!" Robbie tried to call for help. She squeezed the stranger's arm, hoping a comforting touch would keep him calm. 

"Where's Happy..?" The injured man inquired. 

"Who?" Robbie looked down at the man, surprised by his sudden ability to assemble a complete sentence. 

"My—son!" Another pained groan. 

"Just stop talking—everything is going to be alright!" Robbie swore. She called for help again. The poor man sounded dazed. Robbie chalked it up to him being injured and confused. The man repeated, again and again, 'Happy.' 

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