One Chapter

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August 2022

What would you feel if you had someone you once loved changed?

  There’s a woman named Eleanor.
Eleanor was a Senior in High School and was there to focus on her studies and not finding someone to lean on. But she just got out of her last relationship, she didn’t take it seriously, was this her karma?

First day of school, she knew no one, but didn’t bother because she didn’t want to have friends that won’t last. But who don’t want to have friends when you know you’re craving for someone’s presence and company for the school year? That’s when she met two good friends of her, Michelle and Maegan, who undoubtedly supports her throughout and there’s this boy she likes but dares not to confess.

Until one day, it slipped out of her and made her say “I like you” fortunately for the woman, the man likes him back saying “I like you too”. That’s the start of their not so perfect relationship. The man loved her whole-heartedly while the woman loved her with doubt, doubting him that he’ll leave and cheat on her eventually but always reassure her that won’t happen.

Their relationship is smooth sailing but there’s always a storm heading their way, They would constantly argue and fight because of the Woman but never did the Man wronged her because its his love over ego and pride. He respected her and treated her right, that the Woman taken it for granted.

Over time, they grew closer, they would always hang out, make the best out of their school year until they reached the last school year of their lives before going to college. They were going strong even though the woman always say “Let’s break up” to the Man, but never did the Man do it. He would always stay and fight for his love that he has for the girl he loves.

They would always plan their lives, where they would live, how will they stay to each other’s side always, what wedding they want and how many kids they will have. Everything is planned like they’re so sure of each other and nothing could seperate them, they were happy .

Not until they drift apart because of their subject “Work Immersion”. Instead of the usual stuff, flirts, hang outs, jokes, laugh and sleep skin to skin, they mostly spend their time apart from each other. Neither the Woman or Man wants it but can’t avoid it.

That’s when the Woman’s Anxious Style kicks in, if the Man won’t reply as soon as possible, the Woman would argue with his Man, not considering his tireness, Her happiness depends on her Man’s action and words, the more she do that, the more the Man become detached from her until eventually, he did, but didn’t break up, he requested to have some time to cool off.

They became fine after cooling off, they’re back to each other’s arms, they’re together but something’s missing, as the Woman thought. She knew but denied, because she thought he’s just tired. The Man loved him but isn’t vocal anymore like he was, the Man loved him but the pride and ego he hid before got the better of him. Unlike before, the Man would always apologize for his mistakes and assures the Woman but now, he would ignore his Woman until he cool his head off.

The cycle continued and they still stayed by each other’s side until a week they spent together, from Monday to Friday, they were together, they were seeing each other. They got back their old relationship hobbies and the Man became the Man he was before, until a tragedy struck again. The Woman doubt him again, For the last time, the Man had enough and totally ignored her.

That’s when the Woman decided to break up with him without any confrontation and communication.

That’s when the question i asked in the beginning rise.
What would you do if your Man changed because of what you did, and for all the trauma you gave him from the very start?

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