Amer's Adventures

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Long ago in the mysterious West, there lived a man called Sufiyan, who was married to a really beautiful woman called Zamia. They were deeply in love with one another and could not stay without each other a single day. They agreed on almost everything except for one thing which made they have little tiff with each other... 

Zamia believed in fairies, witches, magic, bad omens as well as premonitions but her husband never believed such things. For him it was just rubbish .... But this was just something which could not rob away their love which kept on growing day by day and this blossomed the day Zamia gave birth one day amidst a great storm...... She gave birth to a...... BABY BOY!!!!!!!!!!

My god... this was the most blessed day of my life when Sufiyan was given the news that now he is a proud father ... AND THAT TOO... A SON !!!!!!!!!!

Finally he was allowed to see his baby; he entered the room and when the nurse handed him the baby instantly he noticed that there was a tiny gold whistle in a silver chain round the baby's neck...

Oh.. But what's this ? he asked his wife...

You won't believe it Sufiyan but it's the most precious gift that had been given to our son from our mother fairy.. It is a magic whistle...

Please do not refuse it... please my love..

Ok.. replied Sufiyan ...

Zamia took the whistle out of the baby neck and handed it to his father... Give it to him when he is twenty one...

No worry...said Sufiyan ... Such a beautiful child, Sufiyan couldn't keep his eyes off his son...What will we name him..

'AMER'.... Replied Zamia

Days, months and years went by and Amer grew well.. He was a well behaved,healthy and handsome son of his parents and they were proud of him.. He practiced Karate which made him become brave and strong.

He started dreaming on going on adventures and become famous such that his stories would travel round the world.

One day while having dinner with his parents he announced them that he wanted to go to Saudi Arabia, to the holy city of Mecca for pilgrimage.

His parents were pleased that he was going there and his dad went to the locker and took out money which he will be needing and also the Lucky Charm and gave it to Amer mother to give it to him.

'What is that ????? asked Amer...

It's a fairy's gift to you my dear.. Take it with you my love ...said his mother and carry it always with you... It's a magic whistle ... Ok mum .

Tomorrow morning after sunrise they set off they were about a hundred of travelers, some were on horses and some were on camels. There lots of guards accompanying them since most of the travellers came from wealthy families.

Amer was delighted to form part of such a prestigious troop and he too had his bows, arrows, spears, and swords ..

Mecca was really far from their country and they had a long way to go, they had to travel through deserts, seas, mountains and plains to arrive there.

Amer was already feeling a bit tired since had never been on such a long journey before.

They were going slowing through the deserts since they were heavily loaded and it was quite dark at night , their lamps barely giving them great light.

Suddenly a group of men all dressed in black appeared before them, they were caught unaware...these were desert robbers who attacked travelers and took away all their riches.

All were surprised but they knew they had to fight to save their lives...

Amer too took out his sword and started fighting.. when they saw that Amer was no match for them one of them started fleeing..

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