𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 31

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It's Wednesday afternoon. Chris was working while Amelia was writing her novel online. At first she only had 200 readers but the more she wrote, she more people read but it wasn't enough. She sighed and called Chris.

Chris' phone rang and he answered.

Chris:"Hello, babe?"

Amelia:"Hey my love. How are you?"

Chris:"I'm alright. What about you?"

Amelia:"The same as usual. My novel hasn't even blown up. I shouldn't have quit at that restaurant."

Chris:"Don't say that! I love your novel. It is interesting. Who doesn't like action? Just be patient and you're good to go. Besides once you're done, you can print those pages and send them to the library and you can talk to them to publish it into a book."

Amelia smiled.

Amelia:"I just hope  that works."

Chris:"I'm sure it will. Anyways, how far are you?"

Amelia:"Wrote like 10 chapters more. How are you doing with work?"

Chris:"Great actually. There were those two couples who came and wanted to get a divorce. They explained me their situation but it was quite complicated for me to find a solution. Well I still came up with one."

Amelia:"That sounds great. Today's gonna be Lasagna for lunch. Would you like that?"

Chris:"I love your food but baby I was thinking on taking you out tonight especially of how much you work everyday in the house and on your novel."

Amelia:"That's so sweet of you my love. Where will you take me out tonight? It's been long since we went on a restaurant."

Chris giggled.

Chris:"Alright. I'll pick you up after work and make sure you wear a nice dress."

Amelia:"Okay...See you then!"
Chris:"Yeah. Love you."
Amelia:"I love you too."

They hung up. Amelia threw her phone on the couch and threw herself as well. She sighed loudly.

"What's he up to?" she asked herself.

"Alright. Imma go and shower then. I'll see what's going on. He should be finished in one hour and a half."

She grabbed the remote next to her and put on some cartoon for Chloé. She enjoyed it.

Then Amelia went to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. She undressed and threw her clothes into the basket with the other dirty clothes. She hopped in the shower and turned on the hot water. She let herself wet until she applied some shampoo on her hair and began to rub it. Once she finished, she put her head back into the water and let it wash off. Then she turned off the water and applied body gel on the loofah. She cleaned her body and washed it off. She put the shampoo and body gel to the side and grabbed her conditioner. She applied some on her hair as she rubbed it and washed it off too. She was finally done, grabbed a turban and wrapped her hair with it as she wrapped herself in a towel. She dried herself and wore silky underwear. She went to her bedroom and figured out what dress she should wear.

She put her thumb and index finger on her chin thinking which one looks best until she decided for this dress:

She put her thumb and index finger on her chin thinking which one looks best until she decided for this dress:

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