What's happening?!

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A month has passed since the new hero's birth, and everything seems like it's okay until one night. . .

(Both Luna and Cyan's PoV)

They both received a dream. . . well, more like a vision warning of danger coming. They saw. . . a big pink monster with two horns and one eye, and they both shot up awake with Luna screaming quietly but managed to wake up both Cube and Techa.

Techa: "Hmmn, did you guys have a bad dream or something?"

Cube: Don't worry, you two it's just a dream it won't happen.

They both smiled but only for a short time as they experienced the vision again, only this time more serious as the monster was smiling. . . and not in a good way.

The hero begins screaming in the hero language to which no one but Luna can understand. . . and smacked himself right into a wall. Luna, however, was smart not to run into a wall out of fear, but she punched the wall her back was facing, causing it to crack and her fist to bleed cyan blood.

Cube: "LUNA!!!!!!"

Techabyte: "Are you okay, friend?!"

The new hero became unconscious due to the fact that he slammed himself into a wall at high speed. Techa made his way over to him and saw that he's unconscious. Luna still had a bleeding hand, but thankfully, it wasn't serious, so it stopped bleeding after a short while.

Cube: "Well, that's one way for him to fall asleep. I wonder what that dream was about?"

Luna looked at Cube with a scared expression in her eyes, trying not to show it. . . because she presumed the worst to happen yet.

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