7. Such A Tease

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"Stacey, delete that picture!" Jhoana ran and chased Stacey around the studio room where they were currently shooting for the interview. Stacey had captured a picture of Jhoanna while she was making ugly faces to tease her.

They had somehow become close since Stacey and Mikha were inseparable after Aiah left, although Mikha was still acting cold towards Stacey.

Colet and Jhoanna are now dating, so the four of them eventually became friends, including Sheena. But Mikha and Sheena never really talked to each other.

Jhoanna was still the head journalist and newscaster of New State University despite her busy schedule as a vice president. She was currently interviewing Stacey as the next face of the campus since Aiah was no longer studying at their school. Stacey was also joining pageants outside the school. In fact, Stacey had taken home the crown for their municipality when she joined a regional pageant. She just didn't like joining in school to prevent comparisons between her and Aiah. In short, they both had their own league in pageantry.

But since Aiah was no longer at New State University, students were anticipating for Stacey to finally join the incoming intramurals and pageants at the school. Which she had accepted.

But the interview shoot turned out to be a disaster as Stacey couldn't focus, she just couldn't help but annoy Jhoanna. It's not like you can always make fun of the famously collected Jhoanna, so she was taking every opportunity to get under her skin.

"Stacey, send it to me. Asap!" Sheena supported Stacey's action. In just a few months, the three of them were really comfortable with each other, enough to playfully torment Jhoanna.

While running, Stacey sent the picture to Sheena. After Sheena saw the picture, her stomach hurt from laughing.

"Let me use this to shoo away the flies," Sheena acted like she was scaring the flies even though there were no flies in that room.

Jhoanna sighed deeply, acted like a dinosaur banging its chest, and ran to Sheena to wrestle her. Stacey joined to help Sheena.

The studio room was now a total mess.

While the three were having fun, Colet and Mikha just sat on the couch, watching the mess.

"You said Jhoanna is a collected person, that's why you like her," Mikha stated quietly.

Colet poked her tongue out and shrugged her shoulder.

"That's what I thought, but I guess. This is the real Jhoanna," Colet whispered. Admiration was still evident on her face even though her first impression of Jhoanna wasn't aligned with what she was witnessing right now.

"And the two are ganging up on her, why don't you help your girl," Mikha responded, watching how Jhoanna struggled to bring down Sheena and Stacey. Jhoanna and Stacey were pulling each other's hair while Sheena was hugging or pulling Jhoanna's waist.

Sheena was laughing so hard, literally overacting with a high pitch that wasn't irritating to the ears. So it wasn't hard for Colet to smile at the chaotic sight.

"You guys are wasting my time, let me go on the interview first so I can leave as soon as possible," Mikha decided to ruin the scene.

She didn't want to hear Sheena laughing, she was still mad at what Sheena did to her car. She had heard a scolding from her dad after he heard what happened, and even more when she didn't bid goodbye to Aiah at the airport.

She hadn't contacted Aiah yet, though Aiah was always sending her updates. Mikha was responding, but not that much. She only chatted with her if she wanted to annoy Aiah.

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