ᡣ𐭩 chapter eight

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August 16, 2023

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August 16, 2023

mon préféré 🏎️ (charles)

You left your hoodie at my house

i'll pick it up later :P

Also my mom wants us to all get dinner together tomorrow night

omg yes i've missed my fav leclerc
is my family also going?

Yes she said she told your mom about it

yay ok

Oh also is it okay if i give your number to Lando
He's been begging me for it

couldn't he have asked me himself?
men.. 🙄

He said he forgot to
He was probably to nervous

yeah whatever that's fine u can give it to him

______________ 🐇 ______________



who's this

Your future bf

ah lando
why are u texting me

Can't i just text someone because i want to
Also how'd you know it was me

well yes but we're not exactly friends
and who else calls himself my bf plus charles
said u we're begging for my number

Wow you hurt me
And i was so not begging

ok sorry but if we're gonna continue
texting can u pls turn off ur auto caps


oh wow u work fast
and because it just looks better off

anything for u 😉


i want to get to know you

yeah who doesn't 😊

ok cocky

i'm literally cassiopeia roux

what did u do today

i filmed a video with vogue today
73 questions

ah i've seen a bunch of those videos

i brought u up

oh did you?
i think you're the one obsessed with me

yeah in ur dreams norris

yeah i do dream about that

what did u do today

i did a couple hours in the sim and then went golfing with some of my friends
which brings me to..
do you want to hang out tomorrow

i'm rlly not interested

as friends
friends hang out

ok as friends what are u thinking


as-long as u pick me up

great it's a date


3k views is so insane wtf

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