Im not gay.

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~          Scaramouche POV          ~
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Little recap on last night for myself because I somehow didn't black out and I'm struggling to believe what even happened?

First off, I didn't go to school, I was bored so invited Childe over.

He came over, and then we drank A LOT. We were like, pretty out of it I think. I think Childe blacked out? Probably??

While we were drinking, Kazuha came over and saw us. I invited him to drink with us? We were hanging out and drinking?

And then.. we kissed??? Like, there's no way. I'm probably remembering this shit wrong, right? Fuck, I hope so.

I'm straight, not gay. I'm not gay, especially not for Kazuha. I mean, it would make more sense if Childe and Kazuha kissed than me and Kazuha kissing! Because uh, Childe is gay and like Kazuha looks gay. Maybe I can gaslight myself into believing it was Kazuha and Childe who kissed. Yeah, they kissed. Defiantly not me and Kazuha.

Okay, that didn't work. Me and Kazuha most definitely kissed.

What the hell? What the fuck?

I'm not gay. I must've just mistaken him for a girl.

But there's no way... Kazuha is way too handsome to look like a girl. He has like, muscles. Way more than me. I probably look more like a girl than him.

No, he's not handsome, Scaramouche. You're not gay. Get over it.

But... we kissed. I'm the one who kissed him. I initiated it. That's means, in the one who wanted to kiss him.

He kissed me back, like he liked it. But, he was drunk... he probably didn't even know who he was kissing.

That makes me upset, I don't know why. But it doesn't matter anyways, I'm not gay.

Let's gather my thoughts again, Kazuha probably won't even remember it because he's a lightweight. Yeah, it's fine. I'll just act like it never happened.

But... Kazuha is sleeping right next to me. Childe isn't even on the bed! Where is he?

I looked around, to find him starfish position on the floor. Without a blanket or pillows. He must've crashed out HARD. That sucks for him. But he's just going to complain about his hang over all day... maybe I should just kick him out as soon as he wakes up.

Back to Kazuha, I'm basically trapped. I'm pretty sure if I move my legs he'll wake up. I'm also on the side towards the wall so I'd have to literally crawl over him. What if he wakes up while I'm crawling over him? That'd be really awkward..

Whatever, let's just pray he moves while sleeping. His legs are literally wrapped around me. Please move, Kazuha.

I heard shifting coming from the floor, looks like Childe is waking up. Wait. I can't let him see me in the position, this is bad...

And just like that, he sprung up, not even lazily. He turned around to face me, looked a little shocked, then gave a cheeky smile. "Having a nice time there, Scarahoe~?" He snickered.

"Shut the fuck up." I grunted, my voice quiet so it wouldn't wake up Kazuha.

"That wasn't a no, so I'm going to take it as a yes. Someone has a crush~" I felt my face heat up. It's because I'm angry, not because I have a crush. Yeah. Also, Childe needs to shut the hell up. I'm not gay. I'm not.

"I'm not gay, unlike you." I said, taking a breath before finally getting up. Phew, it didn't wake up Kazuha. That's pretty odd, he must be a deep sleeper.

I carefully climbed over Kazuha. He didn't wake up.

"Being gay isn't a bad thing, homophobe." Childe rolled his eyes as I stood up next him.

"Whatever..." I groaned. Man, I should really kick him out. But Raiden would probably notice and blah blah blah she wouldn't shut up about my hospitality and all that. Like she's any better welcoming guests... I'm pretty sure she like harassed Kazuha or something last time he came over.

"Scara...?" I heard a soft voice come from my bed. I slowly turned around. Yep, he's awake. "Dude... what even happened last night?" He muttered. He sat up, seeming to come to his senses. This is bad, what if he remembers what happened? Let's just act like nothing happened. Childe doesn't seem to remember either, he'd defiantly bring it up if he did.

"I bet Kazuha knocked you up last night with how much your blushing~" Childe whispered in my ear. I am not blushing. Probably.

I swatted Childe's face away before speaking. "You don't remember? You came over and drank with us." Of course I knew he didn't remember, but for the sake of conversation.

"Huh... I don't remember anything..." Kazuha put his hand up to his forehead. "I guess I did drink, though. My head hurts like crazy." I heard Childe chuckle next to me. Glad you find this amusing, because I sure don't.

Okay, now I'm starting to think Childe does remember me and Kazuha kissing. With all the comments he's making, it making me a bit anxious. But... he probably would've mentioned it if he did remember it, right? Yeah.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked. I felt bad for making him drink like that.

"Yeah, just a bit hungover."

"Should I go get some medicine or something? Do you need it?" I felt a bit worried, even if it was just a hang over.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He smiled.

"Lovebirds." Childe grumbled. I pinched him. This shit head.

"What did he say?" Kazuha said, putting his hair into a ponytail. I didn't notice he wore hair ties on his wrist.


"—just that you two are such lovebirds~" Childe interrupted me. What the hell is his problem? What's with him and thinking I like Kazuha? I'm not gay!

"What?" Kazuha seemed to finally catch the sentence, but asked again. Dammit Kazuha now he's gonna say some weird shit!

Childe smirked. "You two are so lovey-dovey, it almost makes me sick," He laughed. "Especially when you two made out last night. Right in front of me—" I slapped his mouth, holding my hand over his lips to keep him from talking. I could feel him smiling through my fingers.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot. So he didn't remember. Fuck him.

My heart started to beat really fast. Huh. Maybe it's because I'm embarrassed?

"We... WHAT?" Kazuha shouted the last part. So he didn't remember, I guess, and just found out. Go die in a hole, Childe. Please go die in a hole.

Kazuha turned to me. "Did we really?" His face looked a bit red. I nodded through my embarrassment. His face got even redder.


We both stood there in silence. We were both to embarrassed(?) to speak. Curse you Childe. I fucking hate you.


Words: 1149

Guys what's up I just finished a new chapter!! I'm redoing my room rn so sorry if the chapters come out late, even though they always come out late and I make excuses like these. I'm rlly sorry for all the chapter delays, I'm trying to get them out as fast as I can but it's hard to find motivation to write them sometimes. Thank yall for reading, see you guys next chapter! (*≧∀≦*)

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