through the cracks

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When I boarded the school bus, I noticed some students snickering and gazing at me, apparently watching something about me on their phones. I didn't pay much attention to it and instead pulled out my iPhone from my backpack. What's significant here is that everyone knows my phone is extremely expensive - even the popular girl, my sister Amelia doesn't have the same model.

I was supposed to be thrilled with my new phone, but when I logged into my Instagram account, the post on my profile shocked me. It was something I never would have posted! It was a picture of Victoria, the school bully, who loves to show off and thinks she's superior to everyone. I have to admit she's beautiful, but that doesn't give her the right to mess with me, like the time she put chewed gum on my seat and wrote nonsense on it.

If I were to change my ponytail to a fashionable hairstyle, I'd be a hundred times prettier than her.

Anyway, the post showed her picture with the caption, "Would you be my best friend, Victoria? I'll give everything for you, please!"... At that moment, I understood why everyone was staring and laughing at me. It was the biggest embarrassment, and I was thankful Victoria didn't see it, so I quickly deleted it as far as I could.

It seemed like the bus driver was enjoying my humiliation, as it took us an eternity to reach the school. That's when I wondered who had posted the photo. I tried searching for my old phone to log out of my account, but I couldn't find it and guessed I might have left it at home.

School wasn't fun as usual no friends and bullies all around you it was Mr hammer's class mathematics of course and everyone was eager for him to finished and go out for lunch.

At lunch...

I was carrying my tray and trying to get to my table. Things where going pretty good, because I had managed to sneak pass the bad Boys table without them saying an horrible thing about me.

But as i was walking past the Victoria's table, i really wasn't paying attention she and her friends must have still been pretty mad at me because i scored the highest mark on our maths test earlier. And you know what happened?

That mean girl put her leg and makes me tripped and suddenly everything started moving in slow motion. My lunch tray went flying up over my hand and I heard a familiar voice shrieking,

Then in horror I realized it was mine!

I fell flat on the floor and was so stunned i could barely see and breath. My cold spicy peanut sesame noodles was smeared across my face and the front of my clothes.

I just closed my eyes and lay there like a beached whale, with every inch of my body aching. Even my hair hurt. However, the worst part was that the entire cafeteria keep laughing like crazy.

I was soo embarrassed, I wanted to die I could barely see, cos I have sasame noodles in my eyes and it made everything look red and really blurry.

Finally, I gathered the strength to crawl to my knees.

But each time I tried to get up I slipped in the mixture of... And fell down again.

I have to admit, I looked hilarious sloshing around in my lunch like that.

Then Victoria folded her arms, glared at me and yelled,
  " Girlyyyy its seems like you're having a nice trip?!"

Of course, that witty little comment made everyone laugh even harder.

It was CRUELEST thing Victoria could have possibly said, especially since she was partially responsible for my "trip"

I was soo humiliated and started to cry. The tears washed away some of gunk out of my face i could somehow see again.And i ran directly to the girl's bathroom...

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I sought to avoid any further embarrassment and promptly summoned my driver to whisk me away, thereby circumventing the need to board the bus. And, as if on cue, he arrived with alacrity, his swift response akin to a gentle whisper, rescuing me from the potential awkwardness that lurked in the shadows.

Upon arriving home, I observed the hall being adorned with decorations, a striking combination of white and black. I deduced that this was likely a celebration pertaining to Amelia, as black is Amelia's preferred color. I approached the busy decorator and gently tapped his shoulder, inquiring, 'Excuse me, what is the occasion for this festive setup?' He replied, 'It's a birthday party...' before another individual interrupted our brief exchange.

'Are you here to cast a pall of misfortune over my party?! Leave at once, you nonsensical creature!'
Amelia exclaimed, her voice laced with ire.

I was used to insults..., Anyways...,
As tomorrow marks the birthday of my sister, I decided to present her with a gift, a token of affection from one sibling to another, for she is among the few individuals I hold dear.

I was engaged in playful banter with Daisy when my phone rang, interrupting our merriment. I answered the call, and it was the bakery confirming the cake I had ordered for my soo called sister. To be candid, the cake was a masterpiece, adorned with white and black icing that rendered it visually stunning, and the inscription 'Happy Birthday, Sis' emblazoned on top added a touch of elegance.

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