Chapter one

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I walk over to the black Mercedes-Benz parked in front of the club

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I walk over to the black Mercedes-Benz parked in front of the club. Stefano's inside, one hand on the wheel, the other busy tapping away at his phone. I glance back at the security guards, hoping for a miracle escape, but their eyes are glued to me like hawks. There's no way out. With a heavy sigh, I open the passenger door and slide in. The familiar mix of cologne and tobacco fills my nostrils. I usually don't mind, but today it makes my stomach turn.

Stefano turns to me, a smug grin on his face. "So, how'd it go?" he asks.

I narrow my eyes at him, anger bubbling up inside me. "A waitress gig? Really?"

Stefano clicks his tongue, starts the engine, and pulls away from the curb, still wearing that infuriating smile.

"Stefano! That was no bottle girl gig! You trying to get me wrapped up in an escort business? 'Cause that's exactly what that so-called interview felt like," I snap.

"Relax, bella. It's nothing more than what I told you it was."

"Yeah, and I was born yesterday!"

He laughs, turning a corner with one hand on the wheel, completely unfazed. But I'm not laughing. Not one bit.

"I'm not doing it, by the way. I'm never going back to that place," I declare.

Stefano glances at me, his smile fading. "You need to start paying rent if you're gonna stay at my place."

"Then I'll find another job. I can't believe you'd try to make me an escort!"

"Well, it wouldn't have been too far off character."

I gasp. "So, you admit it's an escort business? You knew all along when you sent me there?" I demand, already knowing the answer but hoping against hope he might surprise me.

He shrugs with a breathy laugh. "Maybe."

"Maybe? You son of a bitch."

"Watch your mouth, Rossi," he snaps, his tone suddenly icy. "You've been living at my penthouse rent-free for four months now. I've fed you, taken you out to clubs almost every night at your request, given you all the Moët you wanted, and heaven knows you need a whole lot of that! Bought you luxury clothes, taken you to fancy restaurants. What, you thought all this was free?"

A knot forms in my throat. Deep down, I knew something was off about Stefano's supposed generosity. Maybe I just didn't want to see it. I have been so naive. Naive and stupid.

"Well, I'll give you everything back. And I'll move out tonight," I finally say.

"Pfft!" Stefano exclaims, turning to me with a darkness in his eyes I'd never seen before, sending chills down my spine. "You ain't going nowhere. I made an investment, and now I need my returns."

My blood runs cold. "Stefano, please. I'll find another job and I'll pay you back," I plead despite myself.

"No," he says firmly. "I own you now, Rossi."

His words echo in my mind, making everything around me feel surreal. Stefano picks up his phone, dismissing me as he starts chatting in Italian. The charming gentleman I thought I knew has vanished, replaced by this cruel, calculating man.

I can't move. My heart pounds in my temples as I realize exactly where this road leads. Everyone would think this is the logical path for me anyway. I'm not a prude, and I've got no goals. My life has been a cycle of partying, drinking, and avoiding reality. No one would be surprised to learn I'm now a prostitute.

But there's a tiny flame inside me, a stubborn little glimmer of hope that refuses to die. It's the only thing that's kept me going through all the shit. I don't know where it comes from. Maybe God, although I'm pretty sure He's forgotten about me. But something tells me that if I go back with Stefano tonight, that flame will shut down for good. I can't let that happen.

So, I do the only thing I can think of. I swing the car door wide open while we're still moving.

"Elisa! What the fuck are you thinking?" Stefano screams.

Before he can stop the car, I leap out. The impact is immediate and brutal. Pain explodes through my body, an all-consuming agony that seems to come from everywhere at once. I tumble and roll, the world a mix of asphalt and sky, until I finally come to a stop.

Miraculously, I'm still breathing.

"ROSSI!" Stefano's enraged voice echoes closer.

My eyes snap open, and I see Stefano walking towards me. Adrenaline floods my system, propelling me to my feet. I take off running in the opposite direction. Pain courses through my body, and my high heels make each step difficult, but I force myself to keep going. My life depends on it.

Suddenly, strong hands clamp down on my arms from behind.

"Let go of me!" I scream, trying to get away from Stefano's grip.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, eh? You think you can just escape from me?" he barks as he tries to drag me back to his car.

I fight with everything I've got, landing a few hits on his face. Stefano retaliates by yanking my hair so hard I feel strands being torn from my scalp. I scream for help, but the street is completely deserted. His grip tightens, and he drags me closer to the car, hurling insults at me.

Desperate, I twist around and drive my knee into his groin with all the strength I can muster. Stefano doubles over, howling in pain and releasing his hold on me. I don't waste a second; I run away from him.

I glance back to see Stefano running towards his car. He's going to pursue me—I have to find a way out, fast.

I focus on running, my lungs burning and my heart hammering. Up ahead, I spot a fence and make a run for it. Stefano's car roars closer. Reaching the fence, I kick off my high heels, my hands trembling as I grip the cold metal and begin to climb. Stefano's car screeches and stops. He gets out and charges towards me. Panic drives me to climb faster, ignoring the pain as the fence scratches my hands.

Stefano grabs my foot, trying to yank me down. I kick out with all my might, my heel connecting with his nose. He cries out in agony and releases me. I scramble to the top of the fence and leap over, landing hard but immediately getting to my feet.

"When I catch you, you're dead, Elisa! I will kill you!" Stefano's voice is filled with rage from the other side of the fence.

I glance back at him, his eyes burning with anger. I start running again, not knowing where I'm headed, only that I need to get as far away as possible.

I look back, and I'm momentarily relieved when I see Stefano hasn't climbed the fence. But what if he finds another way around? Panic surges back. I keep running, my breath coming in ragged gasps, constantly looking over my shoulder.

Suddenly, something solid slams into me. The impact is jarring, and I collapse onto the street. My vision blurs, and my eyelids grow heavy.

No... I can't pass out now. But the darkness closes in, and I succumb, my world fading to black.

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