epilogue [S1]

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[ Beginning, the Epilogue of Season I 'ROBIN.' ]




A crushing weight settled on Damian's chest. Tears welled in his emerald eyes, blurring the edges of the letter clutched in his trembling hand. It was a tangible reminder of her absence, a void that echoed in the silence.

Desperation gnawed at him. He'd tried everything: calls, texts, messages sent through mutual friends. He'd even resorted to clandestine methods, attempting to track her movements. But it was like she'd vanished into thin air.

He'd interrogated her maids, her friends, even the most casual acquaintances, hoping to glean a single shred of information. But all he received were bewildered shrugs and sympathetic murmurs. Y/n had become a ghost, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and heartbreak.





[ End of Epilogue of Season I 'ROBIN.' ]

[ Thank you for reading till here. ]

ROBIN. [ S1 complete and S2 in the making! ]Where stories live. Discover now