Guys is the romance finally starting after like 40 chapters?!

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_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

"Scaramouche, do you want to go to that new cafe that opened up for breakfast? I went there with Lumine and her friends. Their coffee is pretty good." I asked, helping clean up some of the mess we made last night.

Scaramouche had already kicked out Ajax, so we're pretty much on our own now. I don't really feel like going home. It's nice to spend time with Scaramouche. Although, what's weighing heavy on my mind is... the fact that we apparently kissed last night? I don't even remember it, but Ajax and Scaramouche both said we did. On top of that, Scaramouche has been jumpy since I found out. Is he embarrassed? And how did we even end up kissing in the first place?

I mean, he is hot, and I did want to experiment with a guy, but I didn't think I'd kiss Scaramouche last night.

"Sure, wherever you want to go, I guess." Huh, he seems pretty mellow compared to usual. Less uh... mean, I guess? Like he's more easy going. Maybe it's just because of me.

"Alrighty then, it's decided. You wanna head out now? We're basically done cleaning. We just have the throw the bags out." I questioned, picking up the last bottle of beer. Man, we really did drink a lot. I've got a really bad head ache. This sucks...

"Okay. Let's go." His responses are short. I get he's blunt and all, but I feel like it's worse than usual. I don't like it when he's like this. I wish he would just say what's on his mind.

But then again... I probably already know what's on his mind. The kiss. Because it's on my mind too. If he remembers the kiss, then he knows why it happened, right? I should just asked him.

Maybe later, though.

After we threw the trash bags away, we headed out to the cafe.

The cafe was just as nice as I remembered. I guess it's just because it's refreshing to see something other than the same old same old. Scaramouche was still pretty tense, but he seemed to relax a bit. Maybe?

We both sat down at a booth, he sat across from me. His face was still a bit red. Huh. He must be pretty upset about before.

Or... he liked it? What if he likes me? No, Kazuha, that's impossible. He's straight, even if he doesn't look like it.

I can feel my face getting a bit red, too.

The waiter came up to us and we both ordered. He got tea, while I got coffee. Guess we have different tastes. Well no duh, but I kind of thought he'd like black coffee.. he just looks like he likes bitter things.

Awkward silence, the entire time we were waiting for our breakfast. His face was less red now.

Once we got our breakfast, he finally started to relax a bit.

I went to go grab a fork, but I guess he did too. Our hands brushed.

Our hands brushed.

I looked up, yep. His face was really red now. What was going on with him? He couldn't possibly like me, could he?

But... if he did, I'm not complaining. I wouldn't mind dating him. He has a nice figure, a pretty face, and he's genuinely nice-ish once you get to know him. I think I like him.

Wait— I like him? Him??? I mean yeah he's hot and all, but no Kazuha, you can't think that. You're like the only friend he has right now you can't ruin that by trying to pursue a romantic relationship with him.

But he was blushing just from our hands touching. He was blushing. Over me. It seems like he likes me, even if he doesn't know it. Nobody blushes like that over a friend. Is it okay to like him, though? What if he doesn't want to be in a relationship because of his past? What happens then?

I really do like him, I think. Maybe I can try? I won't do anything like confessing my feelings, but maybe I can try and see for sure whether he likes me or not. Man, I really wished I remembered our kiss last night. What if it's the only kiss we'll ever have?! Dang it!

Scaramouche cleared his throat, his red face slowly dying down. "Ahem... so you said you went here with Lumine? I used to be friends with her, she went to the same boarding school as me, but only for a year." I nodded a response.

"Yeah, her and Ayama and Thoma. I'm pretty sure you've heard of at least Ayaka, cause she's like famous in school." I took a bite of my waffle. This cafe serves really good food.

"Yeah I've heard. So do you like this cafe?" So Scaramouche was trying to make small talk, nice. Score for me!

"Hmm! Yeah, it's great. The food here is really good." I said, taking another bite of my waffle. I looked at what Scaramouche had ordered. He barely touched his plate. Is this why he's so skinny? If I was his boyfriend, I'd cook him meals everyday and fatten him up. He's unhealthily skinny, you can really see it when he's in his sleepwear. He usually just wears long sleeves, so it's hard to see. He needs to eat more, so that's why when I'm his boyfriend I'm going to make him eat a ton!—

—that is, if I am somehow able to become his boyfriend.

"I like their tea." Scaramouche remarked. Okay so, he defiantly likes tea. He still doesn't seem like the type to me, but whatever.

We kind of just started chatting, like normal. I guess he's finally gotten over what happened this morning. That's nice, it wouldn't have been good if he was all jumpy and stiff all day.

"What do you want to do after this? I dont really want to go home, can we hang out?" Checklist: get Scaramouche to go on a date while he thinks it's just a hang out.

He thought for a moment, then eased his face. "Sure, why not. I've got nothing better to do I guess." He pulled a little smile. He's so cute.

Checklist: checked!


Words: 1046

Guys guess who finished their chapter in personal record breaking time! Jk, I used to upload chapters like every four days at most. Usually it was two days. One time I uploaded three chapters in three days. Man, I envy past me. 😞 whatever, new chapter! Hope yall enjoy. see you guys next chapter!!

.-• Kissable Scars.. •-. (Kazuscara<3) (honestly i suck at making titles)Where stories live. Discover now