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Is it neccesary to write something here-
Im going to the movies with my friend today, cuul!
(I wrote cuul on purpose.)
Im writing this in the car :3

(Uranus Pov)

"Will Iris ever fucking show up? I mean we havent left Earth or Neptune alone, but still!" In response of my yell i got all the rocky planets, including Earths moon, staring at me. "Iris probably knows we want answers from him, he isnt gonna show up if he does." Mars answered me calmly and looked back at Earth. "Are you doing okay?" Mars asked Earth. "I think im fine.."

(Iris Pov)

"The progression of this mutation is just facinating to watch!~" I whispered to myself. "Ah... i dont think ill ever get bored of this."

(Uranus Pov)

"Do we have a way to help him yet.?" Luna asked as he was held Earth.
(Fyi he wasnt carrying him
or something)
"I wish we did.." I responded. "Neptune isnt alone right now, is he?" Mercury asked as he looked at me. "No, he shuold be with Jupiter and Saturn." I answered. "I shuold probably go be with him now that i think of it." I added. "Alright, well stay with Earth then." Mercury said as i turned around to leave.


Short asf, i know😔😔
But sorry🎀
Word count: 225

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