ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1: Cafe

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I walked down the busy sidewalk, Today I'm meeting JJ at a cafe she's agreed to help me with playing a surprise party for my dad since his birthday is coming up. My phone dinged, I looked down at the notification it was from an unknown number it read 'Hey Y/n you probably don't have my number saved.' I knew better than to answer it so I just put my phone back in my bag and walked down to the cafe. Once I made it to the cafe I opened up the door and stepped inside I noticed JJ and walked over to her and sat down across from her, "Hey." I smiled at her which she returned.

"hey Charlotte did you bring the books?" she asked which I nodded and pulled them out my bag and she opened them. "I really don't know what I should do for the theme, he doesn't really tell me what his favorite things are.." I mumbled as JJ looked through the party planning books, "well do you think we could just do a theme and pray that he likes it?" JJ asked as she looked up at me. "We could but at least find a theme that would match him. We have a week to do this." I replied back, my dad didn't really talk about himself he more liked listening to other people talking about themselves, he was a listener not a talker. "I can invite Spencer over here and he could probably help,"

JJ said as she looked up at me. She knew I didn't like Spencer but she always insisted that he should help with stuff. "JJ." I said as my tone changed a bit. "I know you don't like him y/n but he can help out with this and he's off today to." I let out a sigh, "alright text him to come over here." JJ nodded and grabbed her phone and texted him, "hey by the way do you know whose number this is?" I showed her my phone and showed her the text from earlier, "that's Spencer." She smiled, "he asked Derek for your number and he gave it to him," she added. "Yea I'm just going to block it." I said as I clicked on my phone to go block the number.

"Y/n, don't block him. He just wants to be your friend." JJ said as she took my phone anyway and saved his contact on it. "Yea JJ he's obsessed." I rolled my eyes playfully, I know he wants to be my friend but he just so obsessed with me it's weird. "Y/n just try to be his friend." She handed me back my phone, "why did you put a heart by his name." I said as I looked at my phone. "Cause don't worry about it." She smiled at me as she laughed a bit. I looked at my phone and texted him back. I texted 'hey Reid I see you got my number.' I sent it and put my phone back in my bag.

I look back up at JJ, "back to party planning. I think we should do this theme," I pointed at a theme which made JJ look, "yea no. That theme he wouldn't like." She said as she looked up at me she pointed at  another theme. "Something more like this." JJ said as someone came up to us, and of course it was Spencer. "Hey Spence." JJ said which she smiled and he returned. "Hi JJ" he looked at me. "Hey y/n." His smile grew a bit more. "Hi Spencer." I said before looking back at the party books, Spencer sat next to me and JJ but mostly was next to me.

I felt his hand brush against mine as he reached for one of the themed books. JJ noticed that and looked at me with a smirk making me roll my eyes. "So Spencer, do you know anything my dad likes?" I asked him which he looked at me and smiled, "not much since he doesn't talk about anything he likes but I do know that he likes looking back at old videos, I see him sometimes do that. But he seems like the type of person not to have a big party just a small one with family and a couple of friends." Spencer said, my god I can't deal with him and these damn paragraphs.

"Alright Spencer, you don't have to talk I'm paragraphs." I rolled my eyes which his smile faded a bit. "Sure.." he said while JJ just looked back and forth between us before speaking. "Anyways. Y/n do you want anything to drink?" She asked which I shook my head no she looked at Spencer. "You want anything?" She asked him. "A black coffee." He said which JJ nodded and got back in line to order. Leaving me and Reid alone.

We sat in silence before I heard Reid speak up. "I see you got my message, I was nervous and thought Morgan gave me the wrong number." He left out a nervous chuckle, "yea I did. You know I didn't want to give it to you, but you had to go ask Derek," I replied back as I looked through the pages of the books. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "Yea you being here." I snapped back with attitude in my voice. "Y/n, I just want to be your friend.." Spencer looked at me, his eyes pleading. "You're obsessed." I scoffed as I felt his fingers rub against my hand, "please." He said which I moved my hand away which he didn't move his hand it just laid on the table. "Sorry." He mumbled.

"I don't want to be your friend Spencer, I couldn't care less about you." I said as he just looked at me as I stood up and out my books in my bag. "Y/n.." his voice was whiny. "Shut up. I put my bag over my body since it was a cross body. "Tell JJ I'll talk to her later." I grabbed my phone and walked out the cafe, I knew I should have not left JJ without saying bye but I was getting annoyed with Spencer. I walked up to the bus stop and sat at the bench. I looked down at my phone and already say a message from Spencer. It was him begging for me to come back to the cafe. I just ignored him as the bus came which I got up and got onto the bus and went and sat in the back.

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