Chapter 1

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                                                                                  Jubilee's POV

I was standing next to Morph watching the front of the room as Wolverine and Cyclops were standing in front of Nightcrawler dressed in tux which Rouge nearly had to wrestle Wolverine into. He was wearing a cowboy hat but Rouge was too tired to care at the moment. Storm was whipping tears from her eyes, Gambait had an arm around Rouge holding her, The Professor was smiling brightly since it was like watching his children get married, Gabby and Nathan were with Laura since they had wrapped up their roles at the flower girl and ring bearer respectively, and Kitty was with Rachel on the opposite side of the aisle parallel to me and Morph. My chest was hurting pretty bad but so help me I am going to tough it out till the ceremony is over...besides I've been feeling like this all day and I've yet to die so a few more minutes won't hurt.  

"Do you Scott Summers take James Howlet to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Nightcrawler asked his accent dripping through heavily from happiness and I smiled a bit more brightly at him. "I do." Cyclops said without breaking eye contact with Wolverine. "Do you James Howlet take Scott Summers to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Nightcrawler asked. "I do," Wolverine said and I was a bit shocked because I expected Wolverine to tell NIghtcrawler to hurry it up or something along those lines. "You may now kiss the groom," Nightcrawler said as his tail swished.  

As the two shared a kiss...gross to watch because those are my dads...Wow, I have two dads a couple of years ago I wished upon a star just to have one...Now I have two dads plus three sisters and two brothers. That realization hit me like a truck: I had siblings, not just two parents now...I mean I had Kitty, Gabby, and Daken before this but it kinda felt like I didn't Wolvie adopted me just a few months ago and Daken's been busy doing missions in Japan but my sisters haven't really wanted to talk to me I guess...Nathan and Rachel haven't really talked with me either but hey we're officially siblings now and it can only go up from here with all of them!

My chest hurt unbearably now and I felt something stuck in my throat but I didn't want to cough in front of everyone since their about to throw the bouquet so I quickly left the room and went out into the empty corridor and coughed violently into my hands. My throat was insanely scratchy and irritated and when I finished coughing I looked at my hands out of reflex and saw a neon blue flower petal..."What fu-" I caught myself but I stared at the petal in my hands for a good five minutes before I threw it away and went back in the room to see them about to take a family photo without me...I felt another bulge in my throat but Wolverine looked in my direction and put his hand up stopping Forge who was about to take the picture.

"Where have you been Jubes?... Come on join the photo your a part of this family." Wolvie said and I took the photo without speaking because I wasn't risking swallowing what I prayed wasn't another petal. Once the photo was done I quickly went to the bathroom and coughed again and yet another petal but neon pink this time. Yay, variety...  I disposed of the petal and quickly left the restroom and went out on the dance floor and started a dance contest with Gambait but I was having a hard time catching my breath after a bit and I felt incredibly drained and just went to sit down. 

"you good their Firecracker?" Morph asked jokingly as they sat on the chair next to me facing toward me with a smile on their face. "Yeah, I'm fine...Why do ask?" I asked confused. "Because you looked pretty tired out there," Morph said and I just shook my head and reaffirmed I was fine. The reception lasted about two hours before Wolvie and Cyclpose left for their Honeymoon to Japan for a week. I went up to my room after saying goodbye I took a long hot shower before I got changed out of my dress into my Pajamas and passed out in my bed the moment I climbed under my covers. I decided while in the shower that maybe the Petals weren't that of a big deal and that I shouldn't kick up a fuss since we've been having a peaceful time at the manor for the past two weeks and I don't want to ruin that...Besides it's only happened twice and it could just be exhaustion or an adrenaline crash making me see things...that's a thing, right?

Hey there I know in comparison to most things I write this chapter was pretty short so I'm sorry about that. In case you haven't noticed this is something new I'm doing following a trope *Gasp* It's Hanahaki but because I'm me I did the more uncommon version of it...Platonic Hanahaki. The Platonic version can be directed toward friends but from the few instances I've run across this it is often used for family or if you see someone as a parental figure but they don't see you as their child which I've only seen that last one once. I love Jubilee to death so I'm putting her through pain so she can experience joy...eventually. Once again I took cannon and folded it Origami style into something new and this is the product of that folding. 

This series will be relatively short to most things I have planned but I am excited about it nonetheless.  This will be updated every Sunday unless I say the week before and much like my other story The Indeigo League Dragon Tamer's Wild Child. I hope you stay tuned for next week's update and I hope you have a good day and see you next week.-K

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