Chp:-7. Injured😣

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Jimin, Suga, Y/n and Anna gather together near downtown street.

Anna:- Well, then lets discuss about protecting Jin oppa.

Jimin:- Jin hyeong told me that he is going to the shop to buy food as he ran out of food. I told him that I will accompany him if I am free.

Y/n:- That's great then!

Anna:- Yes!

Suga:- (not understanding) Meaning?

Anna:- You will understand when we discuss the plan 😊

Y/n:- So here is the plan.... Jimin and Suga hyung will accompany Jin oppa and go to the shop to buy food while we that is I and  Anna will keep an watch of those people who want to harm Jin oppa. I will miss call any one or both of you... when you see the miss call quickly take Jin oppa to his house safety and then meet us here.

Suga:- (understanding) I see, nice plan.

Jimin:- Ok, then it is settled. (looking at the time) Well... since there is still time, how is the investigation on the concert day going? I am worried about hyeongs and armies😣

Suga:- Yes, me too

Anna:- Till now, no luck..... but we are still investigating.

Y/n:- I see. Today is friday.. so we still have one week, I hope by that time we can find some clues 😣

Jimin:- I hope too, otherwise armies will be worried about us if we get hurt and I am worried about armies the most about this matter.

Suga:- Yes, I wont let them stay in peace for the rest of their lives if they hurt even one army 😠

Anna:- We will discuss this tomorrow. (looking at the time) Its almost going to be 5, I think you guys should go and tell Jin oppa that you are accompanying him.

Y/n:- Yes, See you guys here after our mission is over. Dont forget to keep your phones on sound!

Jimin:- See you guys later! Take care and dont get hurt.

Suga:- See you guys!

 Anna and Y/n, disguise themselves while... Jimin and Suga go to Jin's room....

Jin:- Oh, Jimin you came (sees Suga with him) Suga you also came?

Suga:- Yes, we both are free, so we decided to accompany to buy food.

Jimin:- Dont worry hyeong, we will also help you carry your things.

Jin:- That's nice of you guys.... Well then shall we go?

Suga:- Sure hyeong, ready when you are...

  Jin, Suga and Jimin leave to buy food... Jimin calls Nancy ( y/n ) and inform them that they are leaving...

Jin, Jimin and Suga reach the shop....

Jimin:- ( whispering to suga ) You keep an eye on Hyeong, I will keep an eye in surrounding.

Suga:- Ok.

Jin:- ( hearing them whisper ) Are you guys say something?

Suga:- No.

Jimin:- We were just telling each other that we are excited to see armies on the concert day.

Jin:- Oh mee too.

 While Suga and Jin were talking, Jimin received a miss call from Nancy ( y/n  ). Suga notices.

Suga:- Hyung, I think we have brought enough food.

Jimin:- Yes, we should head home... Its getting late also..

Jin:- OK, I think its enough lets go...

 Suga and Jimin take Jin hyeong safety to the house and take him to his room and say goodbye..

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