
334 16 26

wordcount: 1715 words 
[ damn this a long ass chapter 💀 ]

wordcount: 1715 words [ damn this a long ass chapter 💀 ]

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YOU SIGHED AS YOU SAT IN FRONT OF your vanity, watching silently as the stylist pulled your hair back and placed numerous bobby pins into your hair, making sure the bun on your head was as stiff as a board. you thought of nothing and everything at the same time. it was irritating, you'd rather be thinking of nothing at all

"you alright, love?" your stylist asked, making eye contact with you through the mirror as she sprayed setting spray around your hair

you sighed and looked down at your hands, they were shaking, you noted, why were they shaking? "as good as one can be when you're heartbroken" you replied

could the feelings that you were even feeling be considered heartbreak, i mean it's not like you and katsuki were together, and even if you were, you wouldn't have been together for that long, and technically, the two of you wouldn't even be broken up. so could it really be called heartbreak?

"i understand, i'm sure you'll find someone better though," she said, offering you a sympathetic smile as she patted you on your shoulder, signalling for you to stand up so you could go and change into your next costume.

you once again sighed, quickly changing as you heard your dance being announced, then your instructor came to the back, calling your name and telling you to make your way backstage.

well, let's get this over with

━━━ ★

you took a deep breath in, letting the music overtake you completely as you began your dance. the auditorium was quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the only sound being the music the pianist was playing and the sound of your heart beating in your ears.

god you were nervous, but you were excited as well. you've waited for this moment ever since you first saw the nutcracker live, it was something you've always wanted to do, but now that you were doing it, it didn't seem as satisfying as you thought it would.

your dance was ending soon, you could tell by the music, so, you did every step to perfection, not missing a beat as you twirled on stage. and, soon enough, you ended your solo panting slightly as you looked at the crowd.

it was quiet for a moment, worrying you, but then, they started clapping, and soon, the auditorium erupted in applause, you smiled and you stood up straight, bowing as the cheers only got louder. then you stood straight again

you looked up to the balcony seats, not sure as to what you were expecting to see, though when you saw katsuki sitting in the stands with your mother, you knew it was definitely not what you expected to see.

━━━ ★

"well done y/n, you did beautifully" your instructor said, meeting you backstage as you led you back to the dressing rooms

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