Chapter 1

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Summers are hot in Verona, yet the people still brave the heat. They walk through the markets and squares haggling for goods and passing on the latest rumors and news. Their favorite topic? The ruling houses of Capulet and Montague. At odds for as long as anyone can remember, the people keep their eyes on their growing turmoil—some for fun, others out of genuine concern—all the while wondering just how this conflict will end. It is during one such summer day that the house of Montague is cleaning up an unfortunate mess.

The loud clap of hand hitting cheek reverberates through Lord Montague's study. He huffs his anger, face red and hands tightening into fists as he stands before his son. Lady Montague sighs, turning her eyes away from the sight.

"I told you not the face," she says snarkily.

"Twenty years of housing you," Lord Montague roars, "feeding you, clothing you, and this is how you repay us! A dead body on our grounds!"

He slaps him again.

"Your name practically written in her blood!"

And again.

"That is enough, Durmad," Lady Montague drawls. "Before he is completely unrecognizable."

"He should be! Then we could cast him to the streets and be free of him!"

Julius keeps his gaze on the floor, hands clasped firmly behind his back. He made no move to defend against his father's rage, didn't so much as scream. Even now, his cheeks stinging and raw, his eyes give nothing away, but his lips—his lips quiver slightly with the effort to hold back a smile.

"It's bad enough you dirty your hands with the help, but this—" He slams his fist on the desk. "You may as well have spit in our faces and condemned us to hell!"

"Calm yourself," Lady Montague says. "It was a suicide."

"The kingdom will say we have a murderer for a son!" Lord Montague continues. "We will be disgraced!"

"Durmad," Lady Montague hisses. "Did you not hear me? It was suicide."

"Suicide? The girl's head was almost cut clean off!"

"It will look like one when our men are done." She turns her gaze to Julius. "Does anyone else know about this?"

"No one of importance," he says, voice monotone.

"Keep it that way," she growls. "You are to remain on the grounds for two weeks. We'll say you are in mourning."

"But I am in mourning, mother." Julius bows his head lower. "Rosaline was such a lovely companion."

"Do not toy with me, boy!" Lord Montague bellows. He slaps Julius again, this one sending him to the ground. "Do you know how long I worked to secure this union?"

Julius rises to his elbows, spitting blood on the study floor.

"Guards," Lady Montague says. Two men dressed in Montague red with swords on their hips enter the room at attention. "Lock Julius in his chambers. He is to stay there until we say otherwise."

"Yes, milady!"

The guards grab Julius' arms and haul him to his feet. As they drag him away, the Lord and Lady's words reach his ears.

"You think the boy would be smart enough to at least kill her in some back alley." Lady Montague sighs.

"He did it on purpose," Lord Montague says, voice trembling. "He means to be the ruin of this family, and mark my words, Irvina, I will not stand for it!"

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