Chapter 4:Unexpected Invitations

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The day had been a whirlwind of lectures, assignments, and navigating the new environment of Tokyo University. By the time Akira Kaneda returned to the dormitory, he was eager to unwind and find a moment of solitude. As he entered the building, he greeted a few passing students and made his way to his floor, the familiar hum of the elevator accompanying him.

When he reached his dorm room. Pushing it open, he saw Horikita lounging in the living room of their dorm. She had settled into the couch with a book in hand, looking perfectly at ease. Her presence was unexpected.

"Horikita," Akira said as he stepped inside. "You're here early."

Suzune looked up, her gaze neutral but welcoming. "Yes, I finished my classes for the day and decided to relax a bit. I was actually hoping to talk to you."

Akira raised an eyebrow. "Oh? About what?"

Suzune closed her book and set it aside. "I was thinking it might be nice to hang out and get to know each other better. We're roommates, after all."

Akira hesitated for a moment. He wasn't accustomed to making small talk or socializing in a relaxed setting, especially with someone from his past in high school. "What did you have in mind?"

Suzune stood up, brushing off her clothes. "There's a café nearby that's quite popular with students. I thought we could go there, grab a coffee, and chat. It's a chance to discuss our classes and maybe learn a bit more about each other. What do you think?"

Akira considered her proposal. It was an opportunity to engage with Suzune on a more personal level, which could either be beneficial or risky. Nonetheless, he needed to be diplomatic and open to new experiences if he was to succeed in his new life.

"Sure," Akira said, nodding. "A café sounds fine. Let's go."

The two of them left the dormitory and walked in the direction of the café Suzune had mentioned. The evening air was cool, and the city's lights began to shimmer as dusk settled in. Suzune led the way, her stride confident and purposeful.

When they arrived at the café, it was bustling with students and locals, a cozy place with a warm ambiance and the rich aroma of coffee. Suzune found a table near the window, and they sat down, each ordering a drink from the menu.

As they waited for their orders, Suzune took a sip of water and looked at Akira with a curious expression. "So, Kiyo-" She stoped her sentence remembering that I'm hinding my idenity. "So, Akira, what made you choose Tokyo University?"

Akira took a moment to compose his thoughts. "I wanted a fresh start, a place where I could pursue my interests without being defined by my past. Tokyo University seemed like the right choice."

Suzune nodded, considering his response. "That makes sense. I'm here because I wanted a challenge, something to push me further. I guess we both have our reasons for being here."

Their drinks arrived, and they took a sip in comfortable silence. The conversation flowed naturally as they discussed their classes, their plans for the future, and their initial impressions of university life. Suzune's straightforwardness and analytical approach made her a stimulating conversationalist, and Akira found himself appreciating her insights.

"Do you miss anything about high school?" Suzune asked, her tone more relaxed now. "Any particular memories or experiences you wish you could relive?"

Akira thought for a moment. "Not really. I'm focused on the present and future. High school was a different chapter, one I'm ready to leave behind. What about you?"

Suzune's eyes briefly softened. "There were moments I enjoyed—some of the friendships and the challenges we faced. But like you, I'm moving forward. It's important to adapt and embrace new opportunities."

As their conversation continued, Akira began to see a different side of Suzune—a person who had grown and evolved beyond their high school experiences. Her openness allowed him to feel more comfortable, and the evening became less about guarded interactions and more about genuine connection.

When they finally finished their drinks and prepared to leave, Suzune smiled. "Thanks for coming out with me. It was nice to talk without the pressure of class or our past. Maybe we can do this again sometime."

Akira returned her smile. "I'd like that. It's good to have someone to talk to, especially in a new environment."

They walked back to the dormitory together, the conversation easy and relaxed. As they reached the entrance, Akira felt a sense of calm. Suzune's gesture had been unexpected but refreshing. It had provided a glimpse into a more personal side of their new lives, one that was free of the constraints of their past.

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