Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Alright, so I know that in the video, the scenes where everyone is in different clothing is a reflection on past events, and isn't a current day thing, but in the story, I made it to be in the same day. Just because it would work for it!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy, it won't be a really long story, considering the video is only five minutes in length, but I'm thinking of doing a sequel... 😈

Love you guys, let me know what you think xo

x x


People must be wondering why the hell an eighteen year old girl is riding the streets of her suburban community, on her yellow bike, with her face cut and bruised.

Some would assume that she gets abused at home. Others might think that she's a prostitute who doesn't get treated well by her pimp.

If only they knew the real story.

My story.

x x

Finally, I think, quickly hopping off my bike, letting it fall carelessly down on the driveway. Sonya and I might live in the same suburb, but damn, the bike ride sure is long. Or maybe it's just because I'm lazy. Who knows, right?

I shift my bag to my right shoulder, hitching it up higher. I walk over to the front door, and rap my knuckle fast, my heart beating at a rapid pace. There shouldn't be a reason why I'm nervous, but I am. I mean, seriously, I wish I didn't get nervous around my best friend, but I can't help it.

I can't help that I'm hopelessly in love with her.

I don't know when these feelings began. All I know is that I cannot get Sonya Jones out of my fucking head. It's both a blessing and a curse to be in love with your best friend. It's a blessing because when I'm around her, I'm just so happy all the time. When she smiles at me, my heart explodes into a million tiny butterflies fluttering in joy. But then again, it's a curse, because you know that there's nothing you can do about your feelings when your best friend's got a boyfriend.

Yeah. Trenton Boyd, biggest asshole in Austin, Texas, is in a relationship with the girl who stole my heart. Honestly, I don't know why Sonya is still with him. I mean, I have a feeling why, but I'm not going to assume anything... Anyways, he's such a bad boyfriend. He's controlling, manipulative, mean, and a whole other of negative traits. He also drinks a lot. Like, an abnormal amount for his age. He can't control his anger, which he tends to project onto Sonya. Many times she'd come over to my house with bruises on her body. She'd cry, and say that it's not his fault. I'd force my boiling rage to stay within me, and I'd focus on comforting her, holding her in my arms while she'd cry out.

I sigh, shaking myself out of my thoughts. I can't think about this now. Sonya called me earlier, inviting me over, and I agreed without a doubt. She told me that Trenton would be here as well, since they we're throwing a little get together with his friends, but I said I'd come either way. I think she knows how much I hate him. I don't exactly hide my strong dislike for him, but she never confronted me about it. She does give me these looks though every time he and I interact while she's around.

A few seconds after I knocked, the door swings open, and then my heartbeat triples in speed. Sonya is standing there, a huge smile plastered on her face. Her brown hair cascades down her shoulders in waves, and she's wearing a minimal amount of makeup. She's wearing a striped crop top, a pair of grey high-waist shorts, with a flannel top wrapped around her waist. Honestly, this is my favorite look. Her natural self. She's just so beautiful.

I snap myself out of my reverie, and smile at her, reaching out to give her a hug. She slings an arm around my neck, her other hand resting on the door, keeping it open. The hug doesn't last long, to my dismay, and she pulls away, smile still intact.

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