Chapter 6: Power Outage

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The week had been a blend of rigorous study sessions and unexpected social interactions for Akira Kaneda. As the weekend approached, he found himself looking forward to a quiet evening in the dormitory, catching up on his reading and reflecting on the recent events.

That night, Akira and Suzune Horikita were both in the living room. Suzune was engrossed in a textbook, her focus unwavering, while Akira was reading a novel. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the lamp casting a cozy ambiance over the space.

Just as Akira was beginning to lose himself in the story, the lights flickered once, twice, and then went out completely. The sudden darkness was followed by the quiet hum of the air conditioning shutting down, leaving an eerie silence in its wake.

Suzune looked up from her book, her expression calm but alert. "It seems we've lost power," she remarked, her voice steady.

Akira set his book aside and stood up, moving toward the window. He pulled back the curtain slightly and peered outside. The entire block was dark, the streetlights extinguished, and the usual city glow replaced by a deep, impenetrable blackness. "It's a blackout," he confirmed. "Looks like the whole area is affected."

Suzune sighed and closed her book, placing it on the coffee table. "I suppose there's not much we can do but wait it out. Do you have a flashlight?"

Akira nodded and headed to his room, rummaging through his desk drawer until he found a small flashlight. He returned to the living room, the beam of light cutting through the darkness. "Here," he said, handing it to Suzune.

She took the flashlight and turned it on, illuminating the room with a soft, steady glow. "Thank you," she said, placing it on the table so it provided light for both of them. "I wonder how long this will last."

Akira shrugged. "It's hard to say. Could be a few minutes, could be hours. Do you have any plans for tonight that this disrupts?"

"Not really," Suzune replied. "I was just studying. What about you?"

"Just reading," Akira said, sitting back down. "Nothing that can't wait."

For a few moments, they sat in silence, the quiet of the dormitory amplified by the lack of background noise. Akira found the situation oddly peaceful, the usual distractions of modern life temporarily removed. He glanced at Suzune, who seemed lost in thought, the flickering light casting shadows on her face.

"I've been meaning to ask you," Suzune said suddenly, breaking the silence. "What do you think of our classes so far?"

Akira considered her question. "They're challenging, but in a good way. The professors are knowledgeable, and the coursework is engaging. It's a lot of work, but it's rewarding."

Suzune nodded. "I agree. It's a step up from high school, but that's what I was hoping for. Do you have a favorite subject yet?"

"I'm enjoying psychology the most," Akira admitted. "There's so much to learn about the human mind and behavior. It's fascinating."

Suzune smiled faintly. "I thought you might say that. You always were interested in understanding people, even back in high school."

Akira was taken aback by her observation. "You noticed that?"

"Yes," Suzune said simply. "You were always analyzing people, trying to figure out what made them tick. It was one of the things that made you stand out."

Akira felt a strange mix of emotions. Suzune's perception of him was more insightful than he had realized. "I suppose old habits die hard," he said, a touch of humor in his voice.

Suzune's smile widened slightly. "Indeed. But it's a good habit to have, especially in a place like this. Understanding people can be a valuable skill."

They lapsed into another comfortable silence, the flickering light casting a warm glow over the room. The blackout had turned an ordinary evening into a rare opportunity for reflection and conversation.

As they waited for the power to return, Akira felt a sense of camaraderie with Suzune. Despite their complicated past and the challenges of their present, they were finding common ground in their shared experiences. The darkness outside was a stark contrast to the growing light of understanding between them.

Eventually, the power flickered back on, the lights and appliances humming to life once more. Suzune turned off the flashlight and set it aside. "Looks like we're back in business," she said.

Akira nodded, feeling a bit reluctant to let the moment go. "Yes, it seems so."

Suzune picked up her book and resumed her studies, but there was a subtle change in the atmosphere. The blackout had been an unexpected interruption, but it had also provided a chance for a deeper connection. As Akira returned to his novel, he couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of a new chapter in their evolving friendship.

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