💕 Love 💞

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The bell above the door chimed, a familiar sound to Jin, but this time, it was accompanied by a whirlwind of panic. A tall figure, nearly a blur of dark hair and expensive clothes, crashed into him, sending a cascade of lilies and roses raining down like a floral blizzard. They tumbled together, a tangled mess of limbs and fragrant petals.

Jin blinked, startled, looking up into the wide, apologetic eyes of Namjoon, the famous model. He was handsome, undeniably so, with a sculpted jawline and smoldering brown eyes that were currently wide with concern. He was holding Jin's waist, their chests pressed together, a strange warmth blooming in his chest.

"I am so sorry!" Namjoon exclaimed, his voice a smooth baritone. "I was in a hurry, didn't see you. Are you alright?"

Jin, still dazed by the unexpected encounter, could only manage a breathless, "I'm fine." His gaze was drawn to Namjoon's grip on his waist, lingering a second too long, sending a shiver down his spine.

The air was thick with the scent of lilies and the smell of fresh rain. The scattered blossoms, a vibrant kaleidoscope of colour, surrounded them like a magical, impromptu garden. The scene was surreal, a perfect picture of unexpected romance.

Namjoon, still clutching Jin's waist, leaned closer, his voice soft, "Let me help you with these."

Their fingers brushed, a spark igniting in Jin's veins. He could feel Namjoon's warmth through their clothes, their eyes meeting, a unspoken connection building between them. For a moment, the whole world seemed to fade away, leaving only them and the symphony of colours around them.

Jin, suddenly aware of the lingering touch, pulled back, a blush warming his cheeks. "I'm Jin, the flower shop owner," he managed to say, his voice a nervous whisper.

"Namjoon,I am a model..," he replied, his smile warm, genuine. He helped Jin collect the scattered flowers, their hands brushing again and again, sending a thrill through Jin.

Namjoon's eyes, usually filled with the cool aloofness of a model, seemed to soften as he looked at Jin, admiration shining in their depths. "I was going to buy flowers for someone," he said, his voice hesitant. "But I think I'll need to find a better florist... someone with more... elegance."

Jin laughed, the sound soft and melodic. "Elegance isn't everything. I'm sure your flowers will be beautiful, no matter where you buy them."

"Perhaps," Namjoon countered, his gaze lingering on Jin's face. "But I like the way these flowers look... arranged around you."

Jin's breath caught in his throat. He knew Namjoon was simply being polite but the way he said it, his eyes holding a strange intensity, made Jin's heart beat faster.

The bell tinkled again, announcing the arrival of another customer. Namjoon, momentarily distracted, turned away. "I should probably go. But u have to prepare the most beautiful bouquet for my..." he paused, his voice low, "I'll be back. Maybe later today?"

Jin found himself nodding, a warmth spreading through him. Namjoon smiled, a flash of white teeth against his tanned skin, and left.

As the door closed behind him, Jin stood there, still surrounded by the scattered blooms, a smile blooming on his face. He had no idea why Namjoon had chosen his shop, why he'd stumbled into him like that. But in that whirlwind of petals and apologies, he realised he'd been swept off his feet.

Later that evening, Namjoon did come back. He brought a beautiful bouquet,velvety red rose, its petals unfurling like promises.

"For your special one" Jin said, his eyes filled with a tenderness that shook Jin to his core. "You were right, previous shop wasn't this beautiful." Namjoon replied.

Jin, understanding the unspoken message in the rose, found himself captivated by the man who had walked into his shop..he can how much namjoon loves his special one! He took the bouquet and paid for flowers.


* Kim namjoon
* 27 years old
* Famous model
* Brother Kim taehyung

*Kim seokjin
*28 years old
* Owner of a flower shop
* It's his family business
* Graduated with arts
* Loves music
* Little brother jimin

*Park Jihyung
* Namjoon's coworker
* A famous model
* Best friend

* Jimin and taehyung is in same university
* Same age 21 years old


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