Dollin's Chronicles The Mysterious Rise Of Darkness

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Hogwarts: Dollin's Chronicles

**Dollin Bryce And The Mysterious Rise Of Darkness**

**By Dollin Bryce**

This is a non-profit fan fiction, created purely for the enjoyment of fans. It is a non-professional work made by me and only me, This fan fiction project didn't have any involvement from J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. All rights to the Harry Potter universe and its characters in this fan fiction novel are owned and preserved by J.K. Rowling. Thank you for understanding.

Chapter One: The Beginning

Dollin Bryce's journey to Hogwarts began on a windy, cloudy morning. The wind howled through the trees, creating an eerie backdrop to the unexpected twist his life was about to take. The sky was a turbulent sea of gray, the clouds swirling and colliding as if engaged in some celestial battle. The trees outside his window bowed and swayed under the force of the gusts, their leaves rustling in protest. It was on such a morning, filled with a sense of foreboding, that Dollin's life would take a significant turn.

Dollin sluggishly opened his eyes as his dad's voice cut through the dim room, the morning light barely piercing the heavy curtains. "Good morning, boys," his dad called out, his voice a mix of warmth and urgency. It was Saturday, usually a day for Dollin and his younger brother Malek, who was a year and a half younger than Dollin at age 14, to sleep in. But today was the third Saturday of the month, which meant they had Men's prayer breakfast at 9.

Dollin lay in bed for a moment longer, staring at the ceiling as memories from his past flooded his mind. He could hear Malek stirring in the next room, the familiar sounds of his brother's morning routine offering a small comfort. Dollin threw off the covers and slowly got to his feet, the cold air sending a shiver up his spine. He rummaged through his dresser, finally settling on a pair of worn jeans and a collared shirt. Malek, always more efficient, had already dressed in jeans and a plain shirt and was quickly running a comb through his hair.

Meanwhile, Dollin sat back on his bed, his mind wandering to darker times. His past was riddled with insecurities, heartbreak, and mistakes. Dollin was born into an abusive home, a place where love was a foreign concept. His dad was out of the picture for almost his first year of life, leaving him alone with his mom, who was abusive. The thought of it now, as he sat in the relative safety of his room, still sent a chill through him.

His mom wasn't strict, which in hindsight was a double-edged sword. There was no discipline, no structure. He could do whatever he wanted, not that it mattered much because, after all, he was only a few months old. But the lack of care and attention had a lasting impact. After a tense standoff with their grandma, his mom finally gave Dollin to his dad. Although Dad was not a much better option than his mom initially at the time, he would become a way better option later on and bring Dollin to Christ.

Little did anyone know, this was only the beginning, and this would be nothing compared to what was going to happen.

As Dollin grew up, pain seemed to follow him like a shadow. When he was two years old, he had a stepmom for about a year. She left quickly, and once again, Dollin found himself without a mother figure.

When Dollin was four, one evening around 8 p.m., his dad and grandma rushed out of the house. The next thing he knew, they brought in a little kid. Dollin was confused and watched as the scene unfolded. His grandma must have seen the confusion on his face and told him, "Oh, Dollin, he is your brother."

Apparently somehow Malek got hold of a dangerous pill. Their mom's friend rushed him to the hospital, he recovered and was able to leave that night. The doctors called it a miracle and told their grandma and dad that "If he arrived 5 minutes later, he would have died." For some reason, their mom didn't go to jail or never got in trouble at all. Dollin and his brother would never know what truly happened that night.

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