Olympic Champion: Part 2

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- 2 weeks later -

Y/N's POV:

It's been quite some time now since the little incident at the stadium.

I still think about Timothée a lot recently, because something is stopping me from getting him out of my mind and it's killing me.

Right now, I'm at the Tennis court with my best friend, but I don't play as good as usual.

"Y/N? Hello? Are you still with us?", B/F/N, my best friend, asks as she flicks her fingers in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm good. I don't know what's up with me today." I tell her as I sigh, a little frustrated.

"It's been barely two weeks since you've won the Olympics. If you say that you feel a little exhausted, that's totally fine for me.", she insures me and smiles lightly.

"That's so sweet, thanks. But it's not that I feel physically exhausted, there's just a lot rushing through my mind recently.", I explain to her and she nods understanding.

"Ohh, did you meet someone?", she jokes, but now, there's an expression on my face making me look like a ghost.

"Wowowow, no need to pass out, I was only joking.", she laughs, a little worried.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know what's going on with me right now.", I babble, which sounds a little more like murmuring.

"It's fine, we can quit for today." she suggests and I nod.

"Yeah, I'll text you, when I'm at a better state then.", I say before I give her a hug and we say our goodbyes.

After a twenty minute drive back home, I quickly go to my room, jump to my bed, and lie down.

"If you're a smart person, you're gonna take a nap now and hop for that feeling to go away, but If you're a total moron, you're gonna text the french dude now and completely embarrass yourself." I think before I take out my phone.

Second option.

I search for the number that Timothée has put in my contacts and click on the 'message'-button before I think about what I should text him.

After having a little argument with myself in my head, I just decide to ask him out for a coffee this afternoon.

Hey, Timothée, this is Y/N, the tennis girl
Idk if you remember me tho

Of course I remember you, how could I ever forget you?
What have I done to be honored by receiving
a text from you?

Don't ever say something like that again.
I'm begging you.

I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt anyone :')

It's fine, I forgive you
The actual reason I text you is because I wanted to ask
if we could meet up at a café later this afternoon?
I need to talk to you

Sure, why not.
Maybe at like 3 a.m?

Yeah, sounds good

Great, see you later then!

He didn't say no.
I'd say that's a good thing.

Time seems to pass extremely slow and I spend most of it either sleeping, scrolling through social media or thinking about what to tell Timothée today.

Eventually, it's finally 2:30 in the afternoon. After getting ready, I get to the subway station and make my way to the café I previously sent Timothée the location of.

I arrive around 15 minutes later and then have to walk for five more minutes before I arrive at the café.

As I take a look inside, I already see the brown haired curl head sit at a small, round table by the window.

I enter the little bakery and walk towards him which makes him smile.

"Hey, I'm glad, you came." He greets me.

"Lovely, to hear that. I love your outfit by the way." I tell him. He chuckles.

"Thank you, it's a pleasure to hear that. Please, sit here." he suggests as he points to the empty chair.

I take a seat and after we tell the waiter our orders, we start with a little small talk.

"So, how have you been?" , he asks.

"I've been doing good lately. But ever since my big victory two weeks ago, I can't really focus on this whole tennis thing anymore and it drives me crazy.", I tell him and I could've sworn that he smirked a little.

"I'm sorry to hear but it'll get better."

"Yeah, I hope so!", I laugh and he does now as well.

"What about you?", I ask since I don't want to seem rude.

"Oh, I've been doing great. I'd say, I'm doing better than I ever was." (ciwyw, i just had to)

"Glad to hear that.", I smile at him and he smiles back at me.

He look so adorable.

No. Stop this.

As the waiter brings our orders, we don't waste too many time enjoying them and half an hour later, we're done.

We walk outside the café together and I'm almost a hundred percent sure, that his hand touched mine for a short moment.

"Man, time ran so fast, I couldn't even ask, what you wanted to talk to me about", Timothée starts  and I can feel my cheeks turning a little red.

"Well, that's a little complicated...", I start and can't seem to find the right words to tell him.

"Oh come on, it'll be fine.", he comforts me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Alright. Ever since the accident at the tennis match two weeks ago, I can't properly focus on playing tennis anymore. And I'm assuming that it's your fault. You completely twisted my mind and I hate myself for the fact that I'm ruining myself with it but I guess all in all you could say that I have a huge crush on you. You don't have-", I don't even get to finish my sentence since Timothée has already placed his lips on mine.

It's not a harsh kiss, not at all, more like a careful, soft one.

But I love it and wish for this moment to never end.

"Well... that came pretty unexpected.", I stutter but giggle a little with in.

"I'm sorry if I did something you weren't okay with.", he apologizes but I just shake my head.

"You idiot, that was the second best moment of my entire life.", I laugh and he does as well.

"Second best?", he teases me.

"I mean, come on. The best one was when I got to be an olymipc champion.!", I tell him trying to sound a little arrogant.

"Well, we could change that."



We're back with a part two for our Olympic Champion imagine!

The part one was a request!

If you'd like to leave a request as well check out our "Requests" chapter! There's all the information you need!

We are excited to write what you guys come up with!

Stay tuned,

love, Mirell and Mia xx

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