From sensible to savage

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A fresh start begins with a fresh beer (or so I've heard)! Tonight, I'm trading my worries for a wine glass and my stress for a shot (or two, or three...).

No judgment, please! I'm on a mission to drown my sorrows and my overthinking. No more sensible Mimi, it's time for a little reckless abandon!

As for my life, it's a big fat NO:

No school (thanks to a certain someone who shall remain nameless)

No friends (who needs 'em when you're a "hoo doo" and a "psycho" anyway?)

No trust (I'm going rogue, no trust for anyone, including myself)

No family drama (staying indoors until further notice, aka forever)

No cooking (takeout and snacks for life!)

No productivity (procrastination is my new superpower)

Wish me luck on this wild adventure!.

Imagine living life on my own terms, without my wicked mom and strict billionaire dad breathing down my neck! But, sneaking out of their high-tech fortress? Yeah, right! It's like trying to escape Alcatraz... or in my case, 'Parent-catraz'!

Their mansion is like a CIA headquarters, complete with CCTV cameras, motion detectors, and an elevator that's more secure than a safe house. I mean, who needs a social life when you have a panic room, right?

But, I'm a determined rebel (or a crazy teenager, depending on who you ask). After weeks of planning, I finally made my move. I snuck into the elevator, avoiding the prying eyes of the cameras, and made it downstairs without triggering the alarm... or so I thought!

As I lurked out of the house, I felt like a secret agent on a mission. I dodged laser beams (okay, maybe just the motion detector lights), slipped past the guards (aka my parents' nosy staff), and made a run for freedom!

And then, I saw it the bright lights of the city, calling my name like a siren's song. I was finally free to live life on my own terms... until my phone buzzed with a text from Mom: 'Where are you?!'

Oops, I guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought

I quickly came up with a plan (aka a ridiculous excuse). 'I'm, uh, studying at the library... yeah, that's it!' I texted back, trying to sound as innocent as possible.

But, Mom was not buying it. 'Don't lie to me, young lady! I have eyes and ears everywhere!' (I swear, she thinks she's a mafia boss or something).

I knew I had to think fast. So, I did what any self-respecting teenager would do.

I turned off my phone and went dark.

The rest of the night was a blur of freedom and adrenaline. I danced under the stars, laughed with strangers, and felt alive!

But, as the sun began to rise, reality set in. I had to face the music... or in my case, the parental wrath.

I snuck back into the house, trying to avoid detection, but it was too late. Mom and Dad were waiting for me in the foyer, arms crossed and eyes blazing.

'Where have you been?' they demanded in unison.

I took a deep breath and prepared for battle. 'I... uh... went for a midnight stroll... to clear my head... and contemplate life...'

Yeah, I know, it was a weak excuse. But hey, at least I tried!"

Mom and Dad exchanged a skeptical glance. 'Save it, young lady,' Dad said, his voice firm but amused. 'We know all about your "midnight stroll".'

I gulped, realizing I was busted. 'Okay, fine... I went out to have some fun. I'm 15, not 5! I can handle myself.'

Mom raised an eyebrow. 'Fun? You call sneaking out and lying to us "fun"?'

I shrugged. 'It was worth it.'

Dad sighed. 'We'll discuss this later. For now, go to your room and think about your actions.'

I trudged upstairs, feeling like a prisoner sentenced to life in my bedroom.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being invisible. Like I was just a mere shadow, a nuisance to be tolerated.

But, I refused to let their toxicity consume me. I thought about the thrill of sneaking out, the rush of freedom, and the sense of self-discovery.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty room. No note, no surprise, no acknowledgment. Just the eerie silence of a home that felt more like a prison.

I smiled wryly to myself. I didn't need their approval or love. I'd find my own way, forge my own path.

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