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Chapter 016

  "Mr. Song! Mr. Song!"

  After Song Zhen hung up the phone, he was walking on the road feeling a little depressed. Suddenly he heard someone calling him and turned around to look at the person.

  The researcher finally found him, ran over quickly, and said hurriedly: "Engineer Song has an accident! The seedlings in our experimental base have been burned!"

  Song Zhen didn't care about anything else when he heard that, and ran to the experimental base. When he rushed over, Yan Lao and other researchers, as well as Su Cheng and others, had just arrived. Everyone frowned, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn.

  "Xiao Song, look!" Old Yan picked up the burned seedlings and showed them to Song Zhen. After a moment, he said, "The burn is so severe. It's not the soil that's the problem. There's something wrong with the fertilizer we used."

  Song Zhen kept flipping through the experimental records, and finally closed the notebook, frowned and said: "Let's deal with this area first, and then go to the laboratory for a meeting."

  Su Cheng immediately asked the soldiers to pick up their tools and start working.

  In the evening, when Su Cheng was about to go back to the office to deal with the official business that had been missed today, he passed by the laboratory next door where the lights had not been dimmed, sighed, and turned around to walk back home.

  Su Yaoyun played with the baby for a while and felt very thirsty. He wanted to get up and go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He was startled to see Su Cheng coming back. "Brother, why did you come back so suddenly?"

  Su Cheng took out two lunch boxes and asked, "Yao Yun, do you have any more food? Pack some for me."

  Su Yaoyun said, "There's only rice and steamed buns left. Brother, are you still not full? Do you want me to cook some for you?"

  Su Cheng waved his hand, served the rice, packed two more steamed buns, and was about to go out. "Forget it if there's nothing left. I'll go to the kitchen to check later."

  Su Yaoyun blinked and remembered the two cans of chicken mushroom sauce he brought from home. He quickly ran back to the kitchen, took out a can and stuffed it into Su Cheng's arms.

  Su Cheng stared at the chicken mushroom sauce in his hand and smacked his lips. He hadn't even tasted it yet, and now it was Song Zhen who was about to get it!

  "Beep, beep, beep!" Su Cheng leaned against the door of the laboratory and knocked for a while. Seeing no one answered, he shouted, "Song Zhen!"

  In the laboratory, Song Zhen was looking through books to find the reason for the failure of the experiment. Hearing a sound outside the laboratory door, he rubbed his temples, and got up to open the door.

  Looking at Su Cheng, his eyes were slightly confused, "Old Su, why did you come here suddenly?"

  Su Cheng rolled his eyes without any hesitation, "Why don't you check what time it is now? Are you made of iron? Don't you feel hungry?"

  Song Zhen felt a burning sensation in his stomach when he heard what Su Cheng said. He looked at his watch and saw the hour hand pointing to eight. He sighed and said, "I was so engrossed in looking up information. Now I'm going to eat."

Su Cheng stuffed the lunch box and chicken mushroom sauce in his arms unhappily and pulled him to the next meeting room.

  "Eat! If you go to the cafeteria at this time, you will just eat air."

Daily Life of Pig Farming in 1970Where stories live. Discover now