chap 1

11 1 1

dani:(shit im running late..
I think I'll have detention this is my 3 strike god dammit)

=she runs tru the hallways arriving late to her English class=

dani:(I hate him hes so strict il have more then detention if he comes up with "how your home life" I will start leaving gum under my desk even though its grosse)

=she enters the classroom=

dani:sorry im late..

=she hears laughing int the class=

dani:(be for real i just came late is it that weird to look at me?)-

Mr anderson:Your late ...
this is your third strike dani in my office after class

(whispers)malin:ohh she is going to get down on her knees after class.

=dani goes to her seat ignoring the whispers=

dani:(God they are dumb i could be doing nothing and they will laugh at me for what... eugh i want to get rid of that weird image)

{dani is a daydreamer}

mr anderson:Okay class today ..-

dani:(what time is it..12:34.. 16 minutes to go.. was i that late..)

mr anderson:DANI pay attention

dani:I was?

mr anderson:no you were not don't talk back to a teacher!

dani:fine(fucking asshole he targets me only for his social status among these assholes of a classmates)

=class ends and she stays behind=

dani:sorry im late im going to head to class

mr anderson:no I wanted to ask you..-

dani:(here we go..)

mr anderson:how is your homelife


mr anderson:and your friends dont you have any

dani:I have 4 good friends im good
eve is just sick

mr anderson:but you only talk with one?

dani:outside school but can i go im going to be late..

mr anderson:you may go pay attention next time!

dani:okay(I stil don't like him)

=she walks downstairs to her class=

+2 hours have passed its now around 15:00+

dani:hi im here to register my self i have 3 strikes

miss:sure take a seat and make sure your phone is in your locker it wil be taken if i spot one..

=dani looks around spoting one of her bulies=

dani:(uh i hate her ill sit in the front i guees)

harley:miss may i go to the toilet?

miss:you may

=she walks past dani=

dani:(she's always like a dog to her friends its sad to see)


dani:(fagg..lmao i got the pass its kinda strange why did nature choose me out of all)

=2 people in detention leave makng dani alone with miss its now 15:29=

dani:miss can i go-

×alarm goes off×

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