Chapter 2: His house

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Hey guys it's Haylee just informing you that I will be updating once every fortnight, so keep up to date and enjoy xoxo


"OMG"! "Dad what are you doing"?!

He is standing in front of the stove cooking... I'm completely confused he never cooks it's just not something he does yet alone be capable of doing.

"Oh me"?

"Yes you" Kyle exclaims before I even get the chance to talk.

"I'm just cooking some...some..some umm"

"Bacon"? I ask in wonder

"Yes that's it"!

"Great" "Where's mine I'm starving" yet again Kyle is butting in!

Dad puts a few pieces on a plate and hands it to Kyle.

"Um Dad I don't think that's bacon, I'm pretty sure that was bacon at some stage but not anymore" I shake my head and give a little giggle.

"It's perfectly fine" says Kyle disagreeing and shoving it all into his mouth.

Next thing you know he bloody spat it everywhere, I slap him hard across the back.

"Told you so idiot"!

"Dad next time you try to cook something let me help you okay"?

"Probably a good idea Char" "haha"

I turn off the stove and clean the frying pan and put it away,

*buzzzzzz buzzzz*

My phone goes off

Floyd: Hey babe wanna come to mine and watch a movie or something ?

Me: Yeah sounds good. Come get me in 15, text me when your here xx

Floyd: Alrighty x

"Hey Dad can I go over to a friends house for a couple of hours"?

"To go see yo...." I cover Kyle's mouth before he gets the chance to finish what he was saying.

"Of course Char" "Just don't come home too late, your mother will be back at 10:00 pm I expect you too be back by then you have school tomorrow remember"?!

"Yes Dad" "Thankyou"! I kiss him on the cheek, hit Kyle across the back of the head and race up to my room to get changed.

I quickly put some makeup on, do my hair and change.

*buzzz buzzz*

Floyd: I'm here babe x

Me: I'm coming xx

"Bye guys don't wait up"!

I walk out the door too see Floyd on his motorbike, damn he looks hot.

His black hair perfectly in place, his big blue eyes looking over at me, I mean who couldn't love him?

"Hey babe"

"Hey chicken" I reply kissing him on the cheek.

He passes me a helmet and I wrap my arms around his waist leaning my head up against his back.


We get to his house and walk in through the side entrance up the stairs and into his room.

I jump onto his bed, I love it it's soooo comfy I swear one day I'm going to steal it.

He jumps beside me and kisses me softly.

*buzzz buzzzz*

Dial 'A' Kyle: I'm going out so when you get home it will either be just Dad or both him and mum.

Me: Okay have fun 😇

Dial 'A' Kyle: Stay out of trouble Char.

Me: Yes sir!

"Who was that"? Floyd says looking at me with his face all scrunched up.

"Oh just Kyle" .

"Okay" he replys quietly .

"Floyd I swear it's just Kyle, look" I say showing him the texts.


"Sooo what are we gonna do"? I ask awkwardly...

"I could just sit here and do this...." He shouts rolling over and kissing me passionately.

"Sounds intriguing but, how bout you pick some movies and I'll go get some popcorn"?!

"Okay babe" "You know where everything is". He replys slightly disappointed.

I walk down stairs and into the kitchen and look over too the window and I see a man, he quickly dashes away as soon as I catch a glimpse of him.


He rushes down stair and holds me tightly.

"What is it babe, what's wrong"?!  He screeches.

"T...There was a at the window"! I stutter pointing towards the kitchen window.

He walks over to the window and shuts and locks it checking outside to see if anyone is there.

We then run around the house locking all of the windows and doors hiding ourselves in Floyd's bedroom.

We lay on his bed in each others arms, both scared out of our wits.

"Okay"... "So did you see this guy's face at all"?

"No not really, well sort of " , "I only saw his eyes because he was wearing some sort of mask over his mouth".

"We need to call the cops"! Floyd tells me picking up his cell.

"911, what's your emergency"?

"Uh yes, there has been a man spotted snooping around the outside of my house, gazing in the windows and spying on me and my girlfriend"

The conversation continues for about five minutes or so.

"She just said to lock all the doors and if anything else happens call them again".

It starts to get late and its get closer to my curfew so Floyd drops
me home.

I hop of his bike and we lock lips, when we release I turn around and head towards the front door he reeves his bike and rides off.

I turn the key and walk in.

"Mum"? "Dad"? I'm home...

No reply... Strange.. 

Mum mustn't be home yet obviously as its only 9:45.

I set my things down at the bottom of the stairs and head to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream at the top of my lungs......


"MUM"! "KYLE"! I sob.

I pick up the home phone and dial 911....


Hmmmmm anyone figured out what has happened yet?

Don't tell anyone if you have!

Find out what was in the kitchen and what the emergency is...

Haylee xoxo 👋🏽💗

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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