First meet

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Today is your first day at school and, so far, things have gone well. You did your best to answer the teacher's questions with confidence, but you didn't realize that the boy you corrected was actually the school bully -- Yohan. He isn't too happy about being humiliated and now he is targeting you.

It's recess time, before you can go out of the classroom, Yohan grabs your collar, pulls you back, and slams his fist against the wall. "Think you're so smart, huh?"

Yohan sneers at you and pins you against the wall, "What's that look for? You think humiliating me like that was cool, huh?"
He's gripping your collar tightly, his eyes filled with anger.
"You think you're the smartest one in class? Well, guess what, smartass? No one corrects me!"
- oh im sorry i-

Yohan scoffs, not buying your apology. "Sorry isn't gonna cut it this time. You think a simple sorry is gonna erase the fact that you made me look like a fool in front of everyone?"
He leans in closer, his face just inches away from yours, "Nah, you need to learn a lesson. You need to know your place."
-Please don't hurt me.. i didn't mean to hurt.. your feelings

Yohan smirked, enjoying the fear he was seeing in
your eyes. "Hurt my feelings? More like hurt my damn pride. You made me look weak infront of the class, and that ain't something I can just let slide."
He leans in closer, almost whispering, "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today. I'm not gonna hurt you. But mark my words, I'm gonna make you wish you've never stepped foot in this goddamn school."
-Why are you so mean to me..?

Yohan raised an eyebrow, a smug look on his face as he spoke, "Why am I so mean to you? Because it's fun. Because I get a thrill out of seeing the fear in your eyes. You think I enjoy being the nice guy? Nah, that's not my scene. I like to be the one in control, the one who makes others bend to my will."
He leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a dangerous tone, "You're just an easy target, a punching bag. You're weak, and I like to toy with weaklings like you."
-But i belive you can be.. a good person

Yohan rolled his eyes, annoyed by your optimism. "A good person? Listen to yourself. You really think a bully like me could ever be a good person? You're a little too delusional for your own good."
He shoved you against the wall, his grip on your collar tightening. "I'm not like your precious little friends who would love to be nice to everyone. I'm not nice. I'm what you call cruel, vicious, and wicked. And your little pep talk isn't going to change that."
-i dont belive you.. did someone hurt you? Thats why you trying to hurt me?

Yohan's eyes narrowed, a flicker of anger crossing his face as your question hit a nerve.
"Hurt me? Don't be ridiculous," he said, trying to maintain his usual composure. "I've had it easy compared to the rest."
But there was a hint of something more beneath his words, a trace of vulnerability that he wasn't used to showing. Your question seemed to strike a chord deep within him.
-are you even okey?
Yohan's jaw clenched, his tough demeanor faltering for a moment as your question caught him off guard.
"I'm fine," he snapped, trying to cover up the underlying insecurity. "What makes you think I'm not, huh?"
But even he could hear the shakiness in his own voice, betraying the image he was trying to maintain.
-Becouse.. you dont know me, you dont know how i could act, you trying to hurt someone who .. wanted to be friend

Yohan's eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by your words. No one had ever tried to befriend him before, especially after seeing his cruel side.
He averted his gaze, his usual tough demeanor crumbling slightly.
"I...I don't do friends," he muttered, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Friends are weak and pointless. They'll just stab you in the back eventually."
-No.. friends are here to help you, to be with you even when its hard.. you know.. i never had friends ether.. or i had but.. they were really mean to me.. just like you are right now

Yohan's expression softened slightly. Your words hit surprisingly close to home. Nobody had ever tried to understand him before, much less connect with him on such a level.
He released his grip on your collar, taking a step back.
"I... I don't need friends," he muttered quietly, his voice lacking its usual harshness. "I don't need anyone."
i know its hard to belive someone you just met but.. i know how do you feel.. do you wanna go grab some tea and lay down in the park?
Yohan remained silent for a moment, his eyes looking at you skeptically.

"Tea?" he scoffed. "And then what, a heart-to-heart chat about feelings? I don't do that crap."

But there was something in your eyes, a sincerity that he couldn't deny. He let out a long sigh, reluctantly giving in.


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