character introductions

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Kerith Mustang

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Kerith Mustang


19 years old 

oldest adopted child of connie and kevin mustang

roy mustangs younger sister 

caitlins older sister

Roy Mustang 

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Roy Mustang 


30 years old 

biological son of  kevin and connie mustang 

kerith and caitlins older brother 

Caitlin Mustang 

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Caitlin Mustang 


17 years old 

youngest adopted  child of kevin and  connie mustang 

kerith and roys little sister 

kerith and roys little sister 

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Connie Mustang


63 years old 

mother of roy  kerith and cailtin 

wife of kevin  mustang 

Kevin Mustang 

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Kevin Mustang 


72 years old 

father of  roy kerith and caitlin 

and husband of connie mustang


i do not own fullmetal alchemist  or its original charicters 

if i did envy would not have died 

full credit goes to the original auther of fullmetal alchimist 

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