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I posted these novellas on AO3 as 5 separate stories, but they are essentially backstory for the real series, and can thus be posted as a collection of novellas (like Assassin's Blade in Throne of Glass). You don't have to read them to understand future fics, but they are nice to have in mind. I hope some of you get a bit of enjoyment from them xoxo

Heads Up: Although there is often a focus on Sterek throughout this series, it is a Hale Pack-centric series. Expect to see more of all of the Hale members than you would usually see in Sterek-centric works. 

AU: Peter Hale and Chris Argent (Hale) are married and live at the Hale Manor with their three biological children: Allison, Jackson, and Malia—along with their pseudo children Derek and Cora. Noah Stilinski is their best friend, so Stiles frequents the Manor. I know this sounds strange, but I can't even tell you the amount of comments I've received that people are glad they gave it a try despite thinking this dynamic would be odd. I promise you might like it more than you think.

Disclaimer: I obviously own no rights to Teen Wolf. Credit for these characters and universe go to Jeff Davis and the amazing writers behind Teen Wolf.

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