What is this. Why were people even reading this? 100 READERS WHAT WHY WHY WHY WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?????? I think I was high when I wrote this
Miranda always says that she has cocaine so maybe she stuffed it into my nose when I was sleeping and the next day I'm like "hey. Let's think of Be-weirdness"
lol what
Still what's wrong with me????
What is this?
Woke up to the sound of a rooster mooing?
Slender man turned himself in for stealing makeup?
Man in the pig mask?
Girl with purple eyes dancing to 5sos? (I still love 5sos I love them even more now lol hate me)
Best friend Aliza popping out of a sink and then flipping to the door??What?
Why me?
I'm going to show my kids this story and be like "this is what I did when I was younger kids. You should take after me."
"Mum no"
"Hello 911. I'm being held hostage by a crazy lady."
Then Miranda pops out from a sinkhole in the ground. "YEAS 911 PARTY HARD POTATO UP" she says as she holds a potato with a tutu. The potato then takes a bite out of a carrot and Aliza eats a gummy bear she found in the dirt. "I think someone licked this" Aliza says as she throws the gummy bear into the clouds. The cops come and start dancing to Selena Gomez Come and Get It.
I still got it.
The True Story: Miranda Cardenas (Completed)
MizahThe poor 11 (now 12) year old girl is struggling from a sickness called Be-Weirdness or Will she survive her life through sixth grade or will she die from the un-curable disease