His SEXY Bodyguard

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"Just leave me alone. I don't wanna hear about you anymore..." Rodrigo stated.

"Rodrigo, believe me....." Alicia answered.

"Please......Just go..." Rodrigo answered. She tried to hold his hand but he yanked it. She need to explain. She loved him. It was part of her work. She was going to tell him the truth... not long after the case was solved but unfortunately he has heard their conversation with one of her friends. She doesn't mean to lie to him but the truth will make his life more in danger. She doesn't want to lose him. She had once lost her loved ones... She doesn't even have the chance to save them, that's the reason why she joined the ally. She need to protect those who need her and now SHE LOVED RODRIGO.... and she was willing to be in danger to save him. She thought she will understand her but seems like they were falling apart because of her job. "Rodrigo... I LOVE YOU .... you know that.. "

"That's a f*cking bullsh*t. If you love me, why would you lie to me?"

"I don't mean to, okay?..." she felt her eyes heat up..... "I swear, i was going to tell you... I was just waiting for the right time. I have lost everyone whom I loved Rodrigo.... I will not bear it if i'll lost you, too. Knowing our work will make you more in danger.."

"You lost me, the moment you lied to me..."

"Rodrigo, I love you... I swear. What i told you when were together will always be the truth"

"How I want to believe you, Alicia but I can't."

"You told me you love me..."

"Yeah... I am... I love you ... But after this I don't know if believing you was still a wise decision...."

"Rodrigo... Believe me. I'll do anything for you.... I'll tell you everything that you want to know... Just Please... Don't leave me..." tears where now sprunging from her eyes. 

"You're an agent... I know. You're my bodyguard. I can't believe i fell in love with my bodyguard.." He stepped toward her and enveloped her in his strong hands for a hug. She clung to him. She felt safe.... That was all that she wants... She want to protect him. She wants to stay beside him... She want him to hold her forever. She continued crying....  His polo shirt was now soaked with her tears. "I am leaving Alicia.. The company needed me in NEW YORK and maybe i was staying there for good. I want you to come with me." he kissed her forehead. "I want to  start our life with no more lies.... I want to marry you and spent my life with you forever.... Come with me, kitten..."

She gawked in surprise. She let him go and search for his eyes.  "I can't Rodrigo... You know that my life's in here. My work is in here. My friends in here. I can't leave them. Are you telling me to choose between you and them ?" she asked.

"Your work is dangerous Alicia. I can't live... We can't live with our son-to-be kids knowing that everyday, their mother, my wife is out there running her @$$ tring to save other people. You have live for a long time trying to save others. I think it's time for you to let go of it and live a life. No one can hurt you... I will not let anyone to hurt you.. Your work may also sent my life or our kid's life in danger in the future if you don't quit...."

"This is my life Rod------------....." she was cut by her cellphone ringing....

"Alicia...." the other line responded.

"Mike? Do you need anything..." she asked..

"Cameron's group has been back, they have found the warehouse and they have gotten new evidences to take Mr. Cole case to the court. We are thinking of going to the warehouse tonight. But, anyway you can skip it... I know you're  having problem with Rodrigo. We can carry this one without you. I was just thinking of informing you..." mike stated.

His SEXY BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now