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"Nora Clarke get your ass here right now!"

As you can tell, my life currently is a living hell. It never used to be the way it is now, after all I'm the youngest of the three siblings.

I haven't lived a day in my life that my family don't remind that I've ruined their lives.

I live in the pack house with my Mother and Father, the two leaders of the pack, and my two brothers, Jett, and Ryder, next in line for the Alpha position.

In my opinion, I think our pack, The Crescent Valley Pack, is corrupt. It wouldn't surprise me if we got attacked by one of the larger neighbouring packs within the month. The reason Im saying this is because my Father is an alcoholic, never spending time with his family. He hardly makes the right choices that would benefit our pack. But what would I know, I'm just daughter of the Alpha right? what could I possibly know? He drinks a whole bottle of whiskey every night.

My Mother sits in her room crying. She claims she can't handle the stress of her position, hating her situation when our pack desperately needs their Luna

"Make me." I say in an irritated tone.

If you can't already tell, I have a problem with Authority. I can't stand the thought of bowing my head down dismissively and getting ordered around like some slave. I can't help retaliating every once and a while.

"You dare defy you Alpha? You shall do as I say!" Father retorts, a low growl erupting from his mouth.

"Over my dead body. I'm never going to fetch you some more alcohol, so our can get even more drunk!"

My defiance must have struck a chord in Father.

Hearing the sound of thudding feet against the staircase, I see Father stomping over, his face red with rage.

"Oh, you've really done it this time Nor." Jett calls out from the living room behind me. I shoot a snarl in his direction.

The Alpha brings his hand up, slapping me square across my face. I let out a grunt of pain, my head slightly whipping to the side on impact.

"How dare you disobey an order from your Alpha!" His eyes suddenly turning darker as a deeper growl emits out his throat.

"Get out. Get out of my sight and I might change my mind about your punishment."

I simply stare at him in defiance, a few seconds passing by.

Suddenly, a shredding sound could be heard throughout the room as his clothes begun to rip as his body morphed.

Not even a few moments later, a very angered brown wolf was staring me in the face.

'If you don't get out of the house this second, I will rip your throat out.'  I hear Fathers commanding voice over the packs Mind link.

That was the last straw, who did he think he was? I'm not five years old anymore, I don't like getting told what to do.

I couldn't hold my anger in much longer as I too started to shift, tearing the clothes I had on. Bones begun to break and re-locate, dark crimson fur sprouting out of my skin.

I lunge at my Father, aiming straight for his neck, but he shift to the side just before I could latch onto his throat. My teeth sink into his Shoulder instead. Holding on tight, I bite down hard, until the Alpha swiftly grabs my front leg in his deathly jaws, biting down hard until a crunching sound resides around the room, followed by a yelp of pain hurling from my muzzle.

I let go of his shoulder as he abruptly latches onto my neck, pushed forcefully to the wooden flooring.

'You never learn your lesson, I told you to get out, or do I have to do that for you?' He spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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