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C H A P T E R : O N E

The sound of a telephone ringing hit my ears annoyingly. I turned over and pulled my blanket over my head, hoping the sound would stop any time soon so I can go back to sleep. After 20 long seconds of being annoyed, I finally answer the phone, rubbing my eyes, and checking the time.

"Hello?" I crooked with my voice being raspy as usual in the morning.

"Hello," a man through the other end greeted sounding surprisingly energetic. "Ms. Kelani, this is your wake up call."

Ugh. Why do I keep asking for wake up calls? I face palmed myself and glided my hand through my hair, feeling the soft texture of it.

"Thank you," I said before hanging up. I sat up and looked around kind of enjoying how nice this hotel is.

"Hey," Claire broke in making me look at her, as she stood in the doorway. "I'll be out, again, late.. Don't wait up."

"You know, if you keep screwing around with guys, you're gonna get yourself pregnant." I warned, pulling my covers off me and standing up, as I did the longest stretch ever.

"And you know, if you don't loosen up a bit you're gonna get really uptight."

I dropped my dramatically as if I was actually offended. I did a small laugh and put my hand over my chest.

"Sweetie, if you stop sleeping with guys for one day, I might just actually sleep with one." I challenged, smiling evilly and glaring my eyes. Claire looked up at the ceiling thinking about my offer, she shook her head closing the door on her way out. I smirked and made my way to my phone, charging at the other end of the room.

125 text messages, 10,579 notifications on Instagram, 5,233 notifications on Twitter, 55 snapchat notifications, etc.

This is why my battery percentage drains so easily. I took my phone with me to the bathroom as I brushed my teeth. I usually go through my text messages first, and then I save the notifications for nighttime. I sighed and looked at my reflection.

What am I doing with my life?

I pulled up my black skinny jeans with zippers as the front pockets.

I looked at my outfit one last time before I went out to get some breakfast.

My maroon layered crisscross-back cami top flowed softly against my skin, my black bomber jacket complimented my outfit nicely, and my black classic canvas plimsolls just tied my whole outfit together.

I perked my hair up a bit even though it's already dolled up, and did some last touches on my makeup. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, putting my phone and keys in it. I quickly locked the door using my hotel room card and made my way to the elevator.

I'm never crazy about the elevator music because I can't understand much of it. I impatiently looked up to see if I was close to the main floor, tapping my fingers against my thigh and sighing every now and then. The elevator dinged and my phone started ringing, I quickly walked out digging through my bag for my phone.

"Hello," I answered walking out the hotel, as the wind danced through the strands of my hair. Probably making me look flawless, even though that's impossible when it comes to me.

I didn't bother to check the name because I was too eager to look for a cafe, so I can eat breakfast. I know what you're probably thinking, 'why doesn't she just eat in her hotel room? What kind of hotel room has no food? Or she can just order room service.'

But, honestly I just like wondering around instead of being stuck in a room all day.

"Hey, I decided to take you up on your offer." Claire responded, making me slow down from walking so quickly. I furrowed my eyebrows and stayed silent as I waited for her to continue. "If you find a guy who you think you're absolutely in love with, you tell me, we'll plan shit out, and yea."

"Ok?.. What's the catch?.."

Claire giggled, "knowing you- you wont stick with the plan. I mean, come on, you already lost your virginity and you're still acting like a virgin who hasn't been touched for the very first time."

"Ha ha.. Very funny..-"

"You slept with a guy in high school on senior prom-"


"You slept with a girl at party-"


"You even had a threesome, and the other two were GIRLS-"

"Aaaand drunk."


"WHAT'S the catch, Claire?" I snapped annoyed that she's bringing my past mistakes. The times I had sex with people were because I was DRUNK and she knows that.

"Right! If you don't stick with the plan, I get to sleep with your boyfrieeend." She sung, emphasizing 'boyfriend'. I laughed amused and finally found a cafe just a few more blocks away.

"You're forgetting, I don't have a 'boyfrieeend'."

"Well, when you get one." She snapped before hanging up. I gave my phone an ugly look and furrowed my eyebrows at it. I did a quiet cat sound and shook my head opening the doors to the cafe.

I took one step in and I already bump into a random person.

"Shoot.." I gasped as I looked down seeing my phone on the ground.

"Sorry.." The both of us said in unison, bending down to pick up my phone, and having our hands touch. We both stood up; my heart was beating an incredible speed as I looked at him. He didn't look back at me though, he kept his eyes down as if he was avoiding something or someone. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. No.. It can't be happening.. Again.

"I think this belongs to you." He said breaking the silence, as he finally looked up and stared deep in to my eyes. I jumped and broke eye contact; I looked down at my phone taking it and putting it in my bag. Although, it was a little hard for me to see his eyes for two reasons: one, he didn't make eye contact at first, and two, when he did, he was wearing sunglasses, which made it harder.


I avoided making eye contact again, and quickly walked in the cafe not looking back.

I wish I knew his name.

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