Trouble Streaks (The Wanted Spankfic)

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Max, 22- He is one of the two spankers. He's even tempered and reasonable. But once he's hand enough of you, you are in for it.

Siva, 24- Also a spanker. but he likes to use it only as a last resort. He prefers grounding, taking away privileges, extra chores, or making you reason on why what you did was wrong. Which is pure torture. Don't think he goes easy though, he has a strong hand

Tom, 19 - He get in trouble for his mouth the most. He wants to have more responsiblty but Max and Siva don't think he's ready.

Jay, 17- He's pretty mellow. Moslty gets in trouble for swearing and other little things.

Nathan, 15- He's a big trouble maker. Always running his mouth, talkin back, swearing, and sneaking out

I don't know if this what any of them are like that is why it's called fiction.

Tell me if you think I should continue this or not.

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