Book 1- Chapter 3: The Time of Your Life?

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"Guess that leaves Vil," Grim comments, making me roll my eyes. "Obviously he can't compare to yours truly, but he seems like he'll come in handy."

Jack cuts in. "Vil never skips leg day. Or any day for that matter. Good choice."

Lilia nods. "Fierce competitor, too."

"You're not wrong, but that's not why I picked him." Leona looked over at Vil. "Plenty of strong folks in the academy, but most are pretty stubborn. Set in their ways."

I raised a brow, muttering under my breath. "Speaking from experience?"

Leona gave me a glare, but it was half hearted, as if he was a little amused at my joke.

"You got that right," Jack agreed with Leona.

Lilia shook his head. "You're one to talk, Jack."

"But when it comes to good sense and moderation, Vil's the best housewarden we've got," Leona told us, voice perfectly level. "Besides, Vil and I have been together ever since we started school here, so we know each other well."

Vil shuddered. "How my skin crawls... There's not a trace of emotion behind your words. So you chose me because you think this way you'll avoid any tedious conversations? Well, I refuse. You shan't be coercing me with such an uncouth method. If you need a junior, why not as Rook?"

"Now there's a non-starter..." Leona muttered before meeting Vil's gaze. "Look, I'm asking YOU, Vil."

Vil smirked. "My, I had no idea you were such a fan of mine. All you have to do is give whomever wins the tournament these guardian lessons you mentioned, yes? Why not simply do so? And leave me out of this Bead Brawl nonsense? If you insist on going forward with this ridiculous plan, you'll have to find someone else. Good day."

The smirk that spread across Leona's face made me nervous. "Going so soon? You might want to stick around and hear this next part."


"Surely someone as obsessed with beautification as you has heard of a place called Ivory Springs."

The way Vil's eyes widened with recognition almost made me laugh. Quickly he did his best to school his features into the same neutral expression he often has, though it wasn't quite convincing.

"... Indeed I have."

"Well I sure haven't." Jack mumbled.

Grim nodded. "But it's the kind of place Vil would be into, eh?"

"It's a barren place that the sun doesn't reach even during the day," Leona explains. "A deep valley, mored in volcanic heat."

What about that shadowy place?

That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.

... I should probably keep paying attention.

"It used to be a lawless place, where the king's rule meant nothing," Leona continued. "But now... It's a hot spring resort."

"A hot spring?!" Jack and Grim asked in surprise. "Resort?!"

"That's right. Complete with gushing geysers and sublime sights. They even sell stuff made using the geothermal energy there. It's the preeminent tourist destination in all of Sunset Savanna. Not that we have that many to begin with, of course."

Lilia nodded in recognition. "Been once myself. Had quite the time."

Vil sighed. Obviously he had been wanting to go. "The face packs and mineral water sold at Ivory Springs are said to be second to none... N- naturally I'd hoped to visit at some point, but I can do that easily enough on my own. Certainly that will be more pleasant than going with you."

"Oh, but you won't see everything without me," Leona said knowingly.

Vil looked nervous. "...What do you mean?"

"Play nice and enter the Bead Brawl tournament like I'm asking... And I'll escort you to exclusive localed within Ivory Springs open only to the royal family.


I couldn't help but smirk at Leona's smug expression as he continued. "Places you could never dream of entering by yourself, with guaranteed beautifying effects. This is probably the only chance you'll ever get."

"I don't see how Vil can resist," Jack said, looking over at me.

Lilia nodded. "Pretty clever. You had the perfect bait to lure Vil in with."

Vil frowned, staring at Leona harshly. "Why, you underhanded..." You could see the way Vil's resistance gave out. "Fine. I'll join your little sightseeing tour. But you must promise me a good time."

"Don't worry," Leona assured him, dragging out the words. " I'll show you the time of your life."

"A festival in the Sunset Savannah, eh?" Grim asked, looking far too eager. "Should be fun! I bet there will be all sorts of food stalls."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to get Grim's hopes up, because Leona hadn't actually said that we would go with.

"Leona!" Grim called, jumping off my shoulder towards the prince and causing me to wince. "We've decided to do you a solid and join ya!"

Leona looked down at Grim with a stern expression. "Why would I bring you?"

Grim's eyes widened at Leona's words, and I let out a sigh.

"You wouldn't be any use in the Bead Brawl," Leona continued.

"Oh don't worry 'bout that! I got no intention of join' any of that boring nonsense! I just want to get in on that festival grub!"

Leona scowled. "All the more reason not to bring you along."

"Aww, come on! Take us with! Please!"

"Oh now it's 'us'," I complained quietly, rolling my eyes.

"Shut it, furball!" Leona snapped at Grim. He glanced up at me, his eyes softening the tiniest amount when he met my eyes, but it was gone so quickly I think I might have imagined it.

"Just let them come along, Leona," Lilia added, likely trying to ease the tension between the two. "The more the merrier on a trip like this."

"Grim'll just get in the way."

I frowned slightly, a little surprised that he just said that Grim would get in the way and not me too.

"Grim's so excited he's rolling on the floor," Jack pointed out. I looked down, seeing that he was right. This was who I was sharing part of a scholarship with? Seriously? "What about you (Y/N)?"

I heard Jack say my name and I looked back up.

Leona watched me carefully, making me nervous. From how he was talking before I got the idea that he would rather bring me along and leave Grim here, but it still made voicing my opinion awkward. "I- I'd be happy to go, if it's not too much trouble to bring me along."

Lilia gestured to me. "Hear that? They want to go too, so quit grumbling and bring them. More folks means more fun memories!"

"This isn't some vacation."

"Well, aren't we cold? Maybe I'll stay behind too, and we can have a party in Ramshackle Dorm..."

"For crying out loud..." Leona shook his head. "Fine. You two can come, as long as you support the team."

"Obviously I will," I say with a smile, grateful that he let me go.

"I'm countin' on you, got that?" Leona's words were stern. "Make sure that furball doesn't do anything to mess this up."


A/N: It's been a little longer than I meant since the last update, but I have like 5 days to finish writing for all of this bc the event is over on the 26th and I've only written to the beginning of book 3. I might skim over the tournament some to get it all out.

Anyway pls comment and like! Also feel free to request anything specific you want to see in this or many other potential twisted wonderland projects.

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