The power

80 0 6

*intro starts*

A tv was playing in the background

Rigby💥:alright beef burrito,I'm gonna give you one more chance to take back what you said about my mom!

The doll said nothing


Rigby then pulls a John seena and elbows the doll and continues to beat it and himself up

Mordecai💙:tag up!tag up!

Caroline was sitting on the bed next to mordecai,she loved hanging out with them because she thought they were funny,Rigby slaps mordecais hand and he gets off the bed and pulls the doll and perches it up while Rigby drinks some soda,mordecai was on to of a cabinet witch had a trampoline leaning on it

Rigby💥:what?oh you want us to put the hurt on you?

Mordecai picked Rigby up and Carolina was giggling

Rigby💥:I think he wants me to put the hurt on him!

Mordecai💙:I think he wants you to put the hurt on him!

Rigby looked at Caroline who was laughing


Caroline was still laughing

Carolina💗:yes I do!



Mordecai and rigby💙💥:AHHH!

mordecai throws Rigby onto the trampoline and he bounced off and zoomed right into the wall and into the trash can,but the wall broke,Caroline got off the bed

Rigby💥:yeah!did you see how awesome it was when I hit the trampoline?

mordecai 💙:yeah I did!

Caroline sees the hole in the wall and gasped

Caroline💗:guys!there's a hole in the wall!

The boys laughed but stopped when the realzed what Caroline said

Mordecai and rigby💥💙:AHHHHH!

Caroline looked out the door with Rigby below her,she then closed it

Caroline💗:oh God oh God oh god!

Mordecai💙:I can't believe I listened to you,I knew me and Caroline should have gone out and do some work but no let's wrestle this stupid doll it'll be fun

Caroline sits next to mordecai and puts her head on his shoulder

Caroline and Rigby💥💗:but it was fun:(

mordecai pulls Caroline onto his lap,they were dating and they liked each Other a lot

Mordecai💙:well,yeah,but now there's a big hole in the wall dude were 23 years old we shouldn't be bushing holes in walls

Caroline💗:you guys are gonna get fired for this!

Rigby 💥:I think you mean mordecai is gonna get fired for this


Rigby💥:you're the one who threw me too hard,you hole!

Mordecai💙:don't call me a hole!you're the hole!you're the one who wanted to wrestle!

Caroline 💗:okay,okay,let's not blame anyone now,how in the heck are we gonna fix this stuff?

Mordecai💙:idk babe,we cant fix it and we definitely can't pay for it cause we don't have any money,unless you have some money

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