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"Babe?" Buck called out after waking from a nap in Tommy's house, eyes still droopy, senses still foggy, mind still trying to wake up, he groaned as he sat on the sofa. It was honestly quite adorable that the first thought Buck had made after he had just woken up was his boyfriend.

Buck checked the clock at the living room to his right that was above Tommy's medal of valor which was neatly framed in a metallic casing up on a shelf along with his other medals and pictures from his time in the army. It was almost dinner time, Buck thought which also meant it was nearing the time for his second night shift of the week. It was full moon season once again, so he had to get in on some of that action after him and Tommy talked last week about their weirdest calls they've gotten during a full moon. 

Tommy was obviously jealous as he didn't get to do nightshifts during the full moon this time 'round. The nightshift roster was already full at harbor station so he couldn't possibly report for work even if he wanted to. Which also means him and Buck were in opposite work schedules making it slightly difficult to have dates or spend time together.

"Garage." Tommy replied. As Buck came to, he stretched out his arms, then his long legs trying to get rid of the sleepiness as he audibly yawned on the sofa. Then it dawned on him. He didn't even know how he got to the sofa cause last thing he remembered was him sitting at the dining area watching his boyfriend organize the groceries cause he's not yet familiar with where things go, so he just observes for now until he gets the hang of things - and by things, I mean grocery organizing.

Buck helped Tommy with his grocery shopping earlier that day and by help, I meant making Buck do all the heavy lifting, well, most of the heavy lifting anyway. Like pushing the cart or grabbing items off of shelves or the occasional lifting Tommy up to grab something from the top shelf. While Tommy walked around and checked items off of his grocery shopping list as Buck casually mentions other options from Tommy's grocery list or rather suggests different brands for almost every item on the list. It was truly an enlightening experience for the both of them.

After finally gathering himself, Buck then stands up with much haste and headed towards the garage where Tommy said he was. Buck stood by the doorframe and leaned on it, arms crossed, as he watched Tommy work on his jeep.

Tommy, half naked, abs exposed covered in sweat while everything above the torso was hidden underneath the jeep's engine. The sound of tightening screws and clanging metal echoed in the room as Buck gazed at his boyfriend with awe, trying his best to control himself and to not jump Tommy right then and there. He simply just smiled at the thought of doing unspeakable things to his boyfriend.

"Hey." Buck greeted softly as his voice shortly trailed with the vowel.

"Hey." Tommy's greeting trailed a little longer, a little flirtatiously might I add.

"I don't know how I passed out so fast" Buck spoke in a raspy voice as he rubbed his eyes to get rid of some eye gunk. The noise stopped and one final clang resonated in the garage as if a wrench or something of the like had been dropped.

With the night shift that Buck just came from and helping Tommy with his groceries after work, that seemed to really take its toll on Buck. So, it's no wonder how he fell asleep that quick on Tommy's dining table. Any normal person would be knocked out after that, but Buck? That wasn't normal for him. It was considered an abnormal behavior, an outlier event, an aberration of all things natural for Buck, but the fact that it happened still, baffled him much. He may as well blame it on the full moon, same as all weird things that have occurred in its happenstance.

Tommy popped out from underneath the jeep to look at Buck, a little out of breath from all the hard labor he'd been doing on the jeep, trying to make her purr better than he found her. "You were already snoring after I finished putting away all the groceries." He chuckles.

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