Being rude at the restaurant

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Dad opens the door and enters the house, 16 year old Caro follows right after. She is a bit nervous. In the car Dad made very clear, that he is not happy with her behaviour at the restaurant. And she has a bad feeling that this might have some consquences for her.

"Do you have any idea how embarrassed you made me tonight young lady?" Dad give her a hard swat on her bottom just when she walks through the door. "What the hell were you thinking? All I wanted was to take you to a nice dinner but your attitude was atrocious!"

"Ow!" Quickly Caro gets in. "I am sorry, i didn't mean to..." Already after that one smack, she knows for sure it's better to think about what to say.

Dad grabs her by the back beltloop of her jeans, a technique she's all to familiar with as he leads her to the living room. First stop though is in the kitchen, where he grabs a wooden spoon.

Without much choice Caro comes with him. Unhappily she sees the spoon that her Dad just picked up. "Come on, Daaad!" She protests.

"No, young lady, enough is enough! Your attitude was completely inappropriate." He drags Caro by her pants to the living room. It's clear that he is not very happy with her as he immediately unbuckles her jeans rather than starting over them for the warm up.

"Wait Dad ... stop!" Caro kinda panics as he unbuckles her jeans. "I am sorry, okay?..."

"We're way past sorry, little lady," Dad says, as he pulls her jeans down to her knees and tugs her over his lap. He doesn't even give the courtesy to spank over her panties as he grabs them and tightly wedge them up between her cheeks, giving extra hard yanks as he lectures for emphasis. "What you did was rude, childish, and frankly embarrassing for me! I raised you better than that!" He keeps the panties deep and tight, daring her to respond with this gnawing pain in her behind.

Caro immediately begins to struggle as the first firm smacks meet her bottom. Her behind gets very warm really fast! "Ow ... Owiee ... Daddy!" She complains.

His hand picks up the pace as he rains down smacks on her bottom, making it bounce with each swat. "This behavior is unacceptable young lady, understand?"

"Yes! Yes! I understand!" She is really quick to assure. Her bottom feels hot by now. "Please stop!" She tries to get off his lap.

He gives her panties another yank, reminding her that she is stuck in this position. "This is honestly the last straw. You bully your little sister, max out our credit cards without permission, are completely disrespectful, and then you pull the stuff you do at the restaurant? No, young lady, I'm pulling out the big guns!" He emphasizes that last bit with a particularly hard SMACK on her reddening bottom.

Caro gets kinda rueful during all the scolding, while her bottom is hurting more and more with every smack. "Owww ... I am sorry Daddyyy"

"You're going to be, young lady," he say firmly as he grabs the spoon and brings it down with a loud CRACK CRACK CRACK!

The wooden spoons hurts so much more. Caro tries to jump up and clench her cheeks as soon as it meets her bottom. "Ow! Daaad!" She yells.

"Don't 'Daaad' me, Missy!" He brings the wooden spoon down hard and fast, leaving welts on her bottom every so often. "What do you have to say for yourself? I mean really?!"

"Ow! Dad! I am sorry! I am sorry!" She can't even think straight with how much the spoon hurts on her bare cheeks. Her bottom feels like its on fire.

He looks down at her sternly as he keeps up the barrage on her bottom. He really wants to make sure this lesson sticks.

Caro keeps struggeling. This hurts so badly. She kicks her legs up. "Owww! Daddyyy! It huurts!" Her bottom already looks bruised from that hard wooden spoon.

He keeps going and turns up the heat on her bottom. "You best know this is only the beginning, young lady. After this, you're going back into diapers!" He spanks as he wonders what stings more, the spoon or the news that she's going back into diapers.

She starts sobbing. Her bottom hurts like hell and she can't stand the wooden spoon anymore. And then also hearing about that. Dad knows she hates this type of punishment so much."Daaad! Please no!"

"It's too late for that, young lady," He says as he gives a few more smacks on her sit spots as a lasting reminder.

Caro cries out. Her bottom is pulsing and especially those smacks on her sensitive sit spots make her yelp. She can exactly feel where those smacks landed.

As the spanking crescendos he stops and sits her on his lap. As she sits there he gives her a hug. "Shhh, it's ok little one, spanking's over."

She just sobs into his shoulder. Her bottom hurts like hell. She's sure that she wont be able to sit for a longer period of time.

He hugs her tightly and rubs her back. "Ok Caro, you know what comes next." He says as he stands up with her in his arms like a baby.

Of course she remembers what he said. But she doesn't want it to be true. She shakes her head.

"Yes, young lady!" He says as he feels her shaking her head. He brings her to the nursery, a room they've kept as such for her and occasionally her mom when their behavior gets too bad. He sits her on the changing table and start to remove all of your big girl clothes.

Caro whimpers as she has to sit down. She just wanna jump up as her bottom hurts so much. "Daaad! Come on ... it wont happen again, okay?" She really doesn't want this to happen.

He has her naked as the day she was born. He lays her on her back on the table and raise her feet in the air to apply some baby powder. The door unfortunately is left open and Caro hears footsteps coming. Her 13 year old sister MJ walks up. "Dad, what's up, I heard yelling?" She stops and sees Caro with her feet in the air and her red bottom on display. She holds her sides and giggles. "Oh man, again, Caro?" She starts to get out her phone.

Caro's face nearly gets as red as her bottom. "Stop that!" She yells. "Dad! Tell her to put away her phone!" She kinda panics.

Dad smacks Caro's behind. "You don't tell me what to do, young lady!"

"Ow!" Caro nearly jumps up from that light smack, because her bottom feels so sore. Totally embarassed she has to let it happen.

MJ giggles as she started recording right before the swat. "Come on now, sis, what'd you do this time?" The sister goads. Dad lets her continue because a bit of humiliation would frankly do Caro some good.

Of course Caro ignores MJs question and just give her a really angry look.

Another few smacks from Dad while Caro is still in the diaper position. "Your sister just asked you a question!" He says sternly, just making MJ laugh even more.

"Ow! Owww!" Caro whimpers. Unwillingly she give MJ a short answer. "I was rude at the restaurant. So Dad spanked me ..."

MJ laughs. "Oh man, you look ridiculous." She jabs. Dad looks at her while he moves the diaper underneath Caro. "Easy now, you're the one who's gonna have to give her a bath tonight." MJ looks at him incredulously and scoffs. "C'mon Dad? Really?!"

"Enough, MJ," Dad says sternly. MJ nods with a pout, putting the phone away. She stays in the room though, leaning up against the wall with her arms folded, giving Caro the most smug smile as Dad starts fastening the diaper.

Caro give MJ a vicious look, feeling how Dad fixes the diaper around her sore behind. Of course she is not very pleased with that outlook.

"Ok now, let's get your mittens on!" Dad says as he puts your hands in confining mittens that keeps her from grabbing things like a big girl. "How long is she in for this time, Dad?" MJ asks.

"Well that will partially depend on her, but easily through the rest of the week," Dad explain to his youngest. Fully aware that Caro still has school in the next few days.

Caro's face gets red as she has to let out her anger. "Daaad!" She yells. "You can't be serious ... That's not fair!"

Dad responds by putting the pacifier in Caro's mouth as she protest. "You know the rules, young lady!" He says patronizingly. MJ giggles at this. "Have fun going down the halls in a diaper, 'baby sis'" She mocks.

Caro can't even imagine how embarassing that would be. She thinks about it while intuitively sucking on the paci. She wants to talk back to MJ, but realising she can't with the paci in her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28 ⏰

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