8 The Grind(✿^‿^)

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**Jeongin's POV**

Tuesday morning arrived with the familiar shrill of my alarm clock. I groaned, turning over and slapping it into silence. The previous night's resolve to reconnect with Hyunjin had given way to the harsh reality of another workday. I got up and moved through my morning routine on autopilot, dressing in my usual office attire and heading out the door with a resigned sigh.

The office was already buzzing with activity when I arrived. I greeted my coworkers with a nod and settled into my desk. My job as a secretary to Mr. Hwang was usually a whirlwind of tasks—scheduling meetings, managing correspondence, organizing documents—but today, like the day before, I felt a step behind. I tried to push through, focusing on each task in turn, but my mind kept wandering.

The events of the past weekend still weighed heavily on me. I couldn't shake the memory of the blond stranger, nor the guilt of my betrayal. I found myself replaying the night over and over, analyzing every detail, trying to understand why I had let it happen. But each time, I came up empty, my thoughts circling back to the same conclusions: I had been reckless, and now I had to live with the consequences.

By lunchtime, I felt drained. I decided to step out for a bit, needing a break from the confines of the office. I wandered to a nearby park, finding a quiet bench where I could sit and collect my thoughts. The air was cool, and the sounds of the city provided a soothing backdrop. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to clear my mind.

I missed Hyunjin. Not the physical intimacy, but the companionship, the endless talks, and the games we used to play. The realization was both comforting and painful. I cherished our friendship, but the spark that once defined our relationship seemed to have faded. The thought of confronting this truth filled me with dread.

The rest of the workday passed in a blur. I returned to my desk, completing my tasks with mechanical efficiency. Mr. Hwang called me into his office a few times to discuss upcoming projects and schedules. He was a stern but fair boss, and I respected him, but today his words seemed to bounce off me, my mind too preoccupied to fully engage.


The middle of the week dragged on, each day blending into the next. I went through the motions, completing my work and avoiding unnecessary conversations. My coworkers noticed my distraction but were polite enough not to comment. I appreciated their unspoken understanding, grateful for the space to sort through my thoughts.

Each evening, I returned home to my empty apartment. I tried to distract myself with various activities—reading, watching TV, cleaning—but nothing seemed to hold my attention. My thoughts kept drifting back to Hyunjin, to the unresolved tension between us, and to the blond stranger whose name I still didn't know.

I didn't meet Hyunjin during the weekdays, and for that, I was slightly grateful. I needed time to think, to figure out how I felt and what I wanted. But I did miss him. I missed his laugh, his playful teasing, the way he could make even the most mundane activities fun. Yet, the thought of rekindling our physical intimacy left me cold. The spark was gone, and I didn't know how to get it back.


Friday arrived with a sense of relief. The end of the week meant a break from the office, a chance to recharge. But the day itself was uneventful, filled with the usual tasks and meetings. I moved through the motions, trying to stay focused, but my mind kept drifting.

Mr. Hwang called me into his office mid-morning. He was sitting behind his large mahogany desk, glasses perched on his nose as he reviewed some documents. "Jeongin, I need you to reschedule the meeting with the clients from Thursday to next Tuesday. We have a conflict," he said, handing me a stack of papers.

"Of course, Mr. Hwang," I replied, taking the papers and noting the changes.

He looked up, studying me for a moment. "Everything alright, Jeongin? You've seemed a bit... distracted this week."

I forced a smile. "Just some personal matters, sir. Nothing to worry about."

He nodded, a hint of concern in his eyes. "If you need to take some time, don't hesitate to let me know. We all need a break sometimes."

"Thank you, Mr. Hwang. I'll keep that in mind."

I left his office, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. I appreciated his concern, but the truth was, a break wouldn't fix what was bothering me. I needed to confront my feelings, to figure out where I stood with Hyunjin and what I wanted moving forward.

By lunchtime, I decided to step out again, needing a change of scenery. I walked to the same café I had visited earlier in the week, hoping a change in my routine might clear my head. I ordered a cheesecake and a smoothie, the sweet treat providing a small comfort.

As I sat by the window, I watched people pass by, their lives seemingly uncomplicated compared to mine. I envied their simplicity, wishing I could turn back time and undo the mistakes I had made. But life didn't work that way, and I knew I had to face the consequences of my actions.

The rest of the workday passed uneventfully. I finished my tasks, organized my desk, and prepared for the weekend. As the office emptied out, I felt a sense of relief. Another week was over, and I had survived it, even if just barely.

I headed home, the familiar routine of showering and preparing my clothes for the next day bringing a small measure of comfort. As I ate dinner, I realized I had regained my appetite, the food tasting better than it had all week. It was a small victory, but one I welcomed.

After dinner, I went through my skincare routine, the methodical process helping to clear my mind. As I applied the various creams and serums, I thought about the weekend ahead. I needed to find a way to address the growing distance between Hyunjin and me, to figure out what I wanted from our relationship.

Climbing into bed, I felt a sense of exhaustion, both physical and emotional. My body ached for rest, and my mind longed for a reprieve from the constant overthinking. I closed my eyes, willing sleep to come.

As I drifted off, my thoughts lingered on Hyunjin. I knew I needed to address the growing distance between us, to find a way to reconnect. The guilt of my secret affair weighed heavily on me, but I couldn't bring myself to confess, not yet. For now, I would try to rebuild what we had, to find the spark that once made our love so vibrant.

The path ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and difficult decisions. But as sleep finally claimed me, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, we could find our way back to each other. And with that thought, I surrendered to the darkness, ready to face whatever tomorrow would bring.


As you all may have noticed, I do not have an updating schedule, but I do have some chapters written down, so I will publish them whenever I am chanced .

Pls, make sure to vote, comment and share.

Ur author,


MY TYPE~ Jeongchan •√Where stories live. Discover now