New beginnings

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24. 07. 2016

Me and Chris were hanging out as always. We were driving around the city, eating some takeout and laughing at people passing by.

We have been friends since middle school when he was the only kid to ask me to play at recess. Ever since, we've been inseparable. I still remember his cap being backwards and cheeks so red you could mistake it for a ripe apple. His little smile with missing teeth really sold me the idea of a future long friendship.

I kept looking over at him and his smile was fading fast as soon as he stopped laughing. He was picking his food and not paying attention to my funny stories.

-Hey, Chris! Remember when we used to pretend to marry off our plushies and ask for money as a wedding gift?, I said while laughing my ass off. It was so funny how you would be so stubborn and win in the end. Remember?

Christ was just starring at his burger.

-Chris? Remember?

-Oh, sorry..., he snapped out of it. I was just thinking about something...

-Is everything ok?, I asked concerned.

-You know that I applied in Korea, auditioned and dreaaamed to become a Kpop idol?

-Yeah... Oh nooooo you didn't get in? I'm so sorry! Maybe next time-

-No, y/n, the thing is... I actually got in...

-OMG THAT'S FANTASTIC! You'll be able to travel, sing-

-Y/N, NO! It means I'm leaving you behind.

A tear appeared on his cheek, and soon enough, on mine as well.

-What do you mean? Chris, I thought we would talk everyday and you'll tell me everything, exciting or boring.

-I'm sorry... I'm leaving on Monday.

-But, Chris...tomorrow is Monday.

-Yeah..., he said while whispering. I've been so reluctant to tell you lately and now it just became... too... late. We have no more time left.

-Don't say that! Let's do something fun so you'll remember me your whole life. And maybe you don't even have to forget me, maybe they'll let you keep your phone and call me or message me and tell me about your day.

More tears are forming of my cheeks. This is the most painful "break up" I've ever experienced. I really thought we were going to grow old together and see our kids keep our legacy alive and become best friends as well.

-There is no time. I have to go pack my stuff.

-Chris, we agreed to not go unless we're both picked.

-I know, I had to make a decision fast. The company asked to give them an answer until the next morning after I received the news. I told myself that I just can't hold myself back just because you didn't get in. Don't get me wrong, you're the closest friend I've ever had, but there might not be a tomorrow for us as friends. The only person I'm certain I'll be with forever is myself. I'm really sorry.

-Chris,... don't. Please don't, I cried in front of him begging him to stay.

-I'm really really sorry y/n...

He kisses my cheeks and wiping my tears, but no luck. I was left alone in the parking lot. The only thing I could do is go home and cry my heart out. He didn't even look back. This is so humiliating. I thought I was worthy enough of an explanation but I guess I was wrong.

I blocked him everywhere to not be tempted to write him and be desperate since he didn't have the courtesy to fight for our friendship. He didn't even tell me the company that he chose to go to. I know this is his dream... but what about me? I thought... I thought I meant more to him... Apparently not. I knew why I should oppress my crush on him a long time ago. I never expected for him to leave me like a dog in the rain.

I went home and my parents saw I was feeling down. They knew about Chris leaving and didn't tell me so be got the chance to do it. I kicked them out of my room and promised myself I'll do anything to make Chris stay.


Chris' plane left right as I was reaching the gate. I ran when I found out what time his plane leaves at. I pressured his parents to tell me so I get the chance to tell him off. I saw him on the window. He looked at me, waved and pulled down the curtain. I could see his eyes were puffy and red, so I assumed he cried as much as I did. But it was too late. All I could do is wave back and go home.

The last 24 hours were the shittiest hours of my life. My best friend left me for his dream job. I'm very conflicted between crying and being proud. My head hurts. I'll just go home and sleep.


Years have passed and I forgot about Chris completely. I can't say I didn't suffer, but I realized that it was not my fault he left like that.

I grew up really well and I made a new friend in college. Her name is Kayla. She left the country as well to work with unfortunate communities around the world so I left as well.

I ended up moving to Korea and working as a make-up artist for a pretty well-known company. I sing in my free time but only as a hobby. My true passion is make-up.

This is my first day. I hope I'm doing well. Wish me luck!

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