Flash Back

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AN:// So guys i promise to myself that i will finnish this book first because i'm planning for book2 !! So please no complain if i can't yet update the Nerd Princess!!




I felt the sun shines to my skin so i woke up......i felt sick and i am still tired....wait where am i?

White ceilling....White bed.....AM I IN HEAVEN ?

A little later a doctor came in..phew! I'm not dead YET.

"How long have i been out?" Normal question to ask when you know you passed out..."2 days and a half...." he said checking my status...."What time is it?" He turned hia head to the clock so i looked there it's 12:24 yup and a half -.-

"Who brough me here?" I asked him and he did not answer...he openes his mouth and said "HE said HE will see you again....but you can't know him yet..." what the hell?

I  got out of the hospital and called my brother Ralph...he said he is going to pick me up ..

I got home and Ralph left for his photoshoot and i just stayed lying in my bed thinking who is HE?

Ummm..i've never been nice to people since my first breakup with an ass....i don't want to continue -.-

>>>>>>>>FLASH BACK<<<<<<<<

"It's over Princess....i don't want to be with you anymore..." he said that made a tear escape my eyes "W-why?"   My eyes began to water "Because your ....plain...boring--" I cut his word by slaping him he hissed  and left

>>>>>>>>>Flash Back<<<<<<<<<

That's the reason why i wan't to be called by my first name and not Princess Everytime i heard it....it makes me wanna die...first love..first heartbreak..DAMN!


1.I know too short -.-
2.Excited for book2

So anyway please VOTE! COMMENT! FOLLOW ME!! BE A FAN!!!!!!! LOVE U BAII!


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