Y3∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ - Flight of Elizabeth

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(a/n: I hate when people call her fat lady so I'm going to make Roseanne call her Elizabeth)

Sam and I held hands and walked to the castle together. I said bye to Sam because I saw Cedric walking by, I take Cedric's hand and run to Moony's office. You shut the door and turn to them both.

"Hello Humans we need to talk!"

"Ok whats up" Cedric says with a kind smile

"You guys know Sam right"

"Yeah" Cedric says. "Smart kid" Moony Replies

"So long story short, we went to Hosmeade together and we kissed and now we're dating"

"What?!" Cedric and Remus exclaim, their protective hats put on.

"How assuring, anyway am I rushing it? I really don't want to and I need your advice"

"Rosie if you both like each other and are comfortable with it go for it, you aren't rushing anything if it makes you happy." Remus reassures. "But if he hurts you I will cast a curse or too on it"

"Remus is right Rosie and plus he looks like a nice person" Cedric says.

"Thanks guys, we should head to the feast and take care Moony, I'll be here later with the usual" You and Cedric head downstairs and sit on our respective tables. I see Sam on the slytherin table and smile at him. I look at the trio and my smiled drops seeing them so happy, I ignore them and enjoy the feast.

Later I head up to the Gryffindor common room and see that everyone is crowded around the enterance.

"What's going on?" You ask Dean as you try to move forward. You overhear Ron saying that it was probably because Neville forgot the password and I roll my eyes. I look to see a scratch in the portrait, Elizabeth was gone, I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. Dumbledore pushes through, "We need to find her," said Dumbledore. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"You'll be lucky!" said a cackling voice.

It was Peeves the Poltergeist, bobbing over the crowd and looking delighted, as he always did, at the sight of wreckage or worry.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" said Dumbledore calmly, and Peeves's grin faded a little. He didn't dare taunt Dumbledore. Instead he adopted an oily voice that was no better than his cackle. "Ashamed, Your Headship, sit. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful," he said happily. "Poor thing," he added unconvincingly.

"Did she say who did it?" said Dumbledore quietly.

"Oh yes, Professorhead," said Peeves, with the air of one cradling a large bombshell in his arms.

"He got very angry when she wouldn't let him in, you see." Peeves flipped over and grinned at Dumbledore from between his own legs. "Nasty temper he's got, that Sirius Black."

Here come the whispers, I think before sneaking off to the kitchens and heading to Moony's office.

"Hot and spicy ramen at your service" You present to Moony bowing down. "Why thank you Chef Roseanne" Remus says as he takes the noddles and keeps it on the table.

"You know you don't have to do this everytime there's a full moon Rosie"

"I want to and its fun, you know how much I like cooking" Remus chuckles and nods.

"Hey Moons" I say. "Yeah what's up?" Moony asks. "You know about the break in of Sirius Black in the Gryffindor tower right? Is there a way I can sleep in your office today with you, I don't have the energy to deal with the whispers" I ask hopeful.

"Of course you can" Remus says with a smile, "I am going to the shrieking shack for the full moon, you get comfy and I'll have the noodles after I'm back"

"Thanks Moony" you say before he leaves and settle on the couch and fall asleep.

~ The next day ~

Moony forced me to go back to the Gryffindor common room, I sit on the couch in front of the fireplace and decide to read. I see the trio walk in and I look back down to my book. I feel the couch weigh down beside me and I continue reading, I hear some whispers and then finally a familiar voice. "Um...Hey" I hear Hermione's voice, I briefly look up from my book and respond, "Hi"

"Can we talk?" Hermione asks. "I'm not in the mood sorry" I reply

"Roseanne, please we're here to aplogise, we're sorry we were really immature, you have the rights to be friends with whoever you want" Hermione says. "Yeah we're sorry" Ron and Harry apologise.

You think for a minute, "I forgive you guys, after all I miss my best friends" You smile and they return it, you guys catch up and talk for a while and then Hermione drags you upstairs to the girls dormitory.

"So what's going on with you and that Slytherin, what's his name?"

"His name is Sam and we're dating"

"When did you start dating?"

"Um yesterday, he asked me out to go to Hogsmeade and well we kiss and then he asked if I'd like to be his girlfriend and I said yes"

"That's great, I'm happy for you and I'm sorry again for avoiding you I really shouldn't have" She says putting her head down.

"It's ok Hermione, I get where you guys were coming from" You reassure her. "It's good to have you back Rosie"

"It's good to have my sister back too, Good night Hermy" You say and you pull the covers over you.

"Night Rosie"

It felt great to have the trio back, life felt great.

That is it for today, I really don't know how good these are so I just make them in my head and go along with it, so please tell me what you think. I'm open to feedback and please let me know about any grammar and spelling errors

Word Count: 1015

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