Waking Yoongi Up Isn't So Bad After All

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Taehyung was bored out of his mind. Jimin was too busy talking to Jungkook and Hoseok, Seokjin and Namjoon were in the dance studio rehearsing and Yoongi was... Napping. Taehyung was seated across the room from the sleeping hyung, with Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok standing at the left side of the room. He didn't want to interrupt their conversation so he made his way towards Yoongi.

Tae knew he had to be quiet and careful not to wake Snow White up, as he hates being woken up when taking a nap.

He sat on the couch next to Yoongi, carefully lifting his legs up and setting them down on his lap. The older didn't move or make a noise. Taehyung turned to look at the sleeping Min Suga beside him, smiling at his sight. His hair was ruffled up a bit with his hands placed on top of each other on his stomach. He looked rather peaceful and flawless. Taehyung adored Yoongi.

He adored everything about him - the face he makes when he first wakes up, the whines that slip out of his mouth when he doesn't get enough sleep - he loved it all, and he wished to always be by Yoongi's side, just to see him. Seeing the older always makes Taehyung happy.

As cheesy as it sounds, he's his happiness.

He may have his best friends Jungkook and Jimin, but no one can make him feel the way Yoongi makes him feel.

Taehyung then broke his stare and put Yoongi's legs back down on the couch. He then steadily crawled on top of Yoongi, careful not to wake him up. Tae then seated himself on Yoongi's stomach with his legs on either side of him. His hands were pressed on the couch next to the older's shoulders to hold himself up. Wow, Yoongi's a deep sleeper, he thought. It looked like he was straddling him but he didn't care.

He then took out his phone and went on the camera app. He leaned back a little, but only enough that he wasn't inches away from his face anymore. The younger decided to take a few pictures and videos of him.

First Taehyung snapped a few pictures of the sleeping Min Yoongi, then he switched to video. He clicked on the record button and kept the camera focused on the older. Taehyung started to speak into the camera, saying things like, "Look at this sleeping beauty", "He must be so tired", "He doesn't even know what's going on" and "He looks so cute".

Just as it looked like the sleeping hyung was about to open his eyes, someone (Jimin, to be specific) called out Tae's name loudly which frightened him. The sudden outburst from Jimin caused the younger to drop his phone on Yoongi's face.

The older groaned and removed the phone from on his face and opened his eyes, only to see Taehyung's pair of eyes wide in fear and shock. Yoongi gave a look of confusion and looked at where the younger was sitting, which was on his stomach.

Min Yoongi blushed a deep red and quickly pushed Taehyung off of him, sitting up immediately. He took his legs off the couch, letting his feet touch the ground. He faced the younger (which he was still seated next to him) and glared at him.

Taehyung prepared himself for whatever Yoongi was gonna throw at him. Yells, a few curse words, maybe even a cushion to the face.

But he didn't get any of that. In fact, all he got was a deep sigh from the older and a shake from the head. Yoongi broke his glare and instead gave Taehyung a look that was... Different from the others. But it wasn't in a bad way.

The brown haired boy was indeed shocked by Yoongi's behaviour - usually when someone wakes him up he gets really mad but not in this situation. Why? Taehyung thought.

The older lay back down on the couch he was seated on. Taehyung watched Yoongi the whole time until he was pulled down beside the hyung. The blonde haired boy wrapped an arm around Taehyung's slim waist, pulling him closer. He buried his face in the younger's neck, mumbling "stay". His breath hit his neck and this sent shivers down Taehyung's spine.

"Okay." Taehyung whispered, cuddling into Yoongi's chest. Waking Yoongi up isn't so bad after all if it's gonna turn out like this, Taehyung thought. He was hoping the older couldn't hear or feel his heart beating rapidly.

Just as soon as Yoongi and Taehyung were about to drift into a nap, Jimin, once again, called their names rather loudly. "Taehyung-ah, Yoongi hyung!" He yelled - startling the both of them.
"Yah--! Get a room!"

They could hear the two other boys giggling like little kids.

"Ignore them," Yoongi whispered softly, Taehyung obeying and attempting to move closer to his hyung. Their bodies were already in full contact though. But that's how he liked it. Sometimes he just can't get enough.

He likes being close to Yoongi hyung. It makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It brings his stomach in knots and it makes his heart race. Sometimes he wonders if it's even normal to feel this way. Of course it's normal, Taehyung thought. I probably just like being around him.

He knew that wasn't the case, though. He may like being around Min Yoongi but he's falling for him.

And that's the problem.


913 words

Waking Yoongi Up Isn't So Bad After All ✿ TAEGIWhere stories live. Discover now